Friday, May 11, 2007

Where is God?!! My Thoughts And Feelings Right After The Tragic Virginia Tech Massacre.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Where is God?!!

So, here’s the deal…if there really was a loving, all knowing and all powerful God out there in the big sky, that hovers over this earth; he wouldn’t stand(or float) by and watch 60 innocent people get shot, including 32 that were brutally murdered on the campus of Virginia Tech this week.

So, for all you die-hard God lovers and defenders out there, let me get this straight; this wonderful God, that loves everyone so very much…watched as this evil, psychopathic bastard bought his guns and ammo, hatched his plan, loaded the guns and proceeded to his personal, one man massacre and slaughter.

Of course God also knows everything that happens before it happens(one of the bragging rights, perks and qualifications for Godhood), so he even knew before this son of a bitch was born, that he was going to go on a shooting spree and slaughter innocent people before killing himself like the coward he was, and allowed him to be born anyway and then commit the slaughter. God did nothing but watch!!

It must be embarrassing to claim your God is so loving, caring and powerful, when he stands idly by and never does a goddamn thing to prove what you’re saying is actually true. What love, what compassion? Like I recently asked a TBM friend; what exactly has God done for you or this earth recently? He was silent and I kept asking and he had no answer, because the answer is absolutely NOTHING!!

How can anyone actually believe that bullshit and say it with a straight face. To the contrary; everything that happens on this earth, especially the rape, murder, torture, mass executions, genocide, starvation, etc, proves the exact opposite.

In fact, anything good that happens on this earth, is because of what MAN does and not what some mysterious candy ass in the sky does. When a criminal is prosecuted, it is man and man’s law that does the punishment, not God or God’s law.

When someone is saved, it is man that does the saving, not some God. When a killer is caught and punished, it is man doing the catching, not God. So again, I ask the question, where is God? It appears that he's no where to be found.

Oh yeah, and this is the same guy that according to the “perfect/infallible Bible”, wants us to literally die for him if needed and spend eternity on our knees, worshiping his ass? Give me a break!! That God must be an asshole!!

Like Ray says, "if that’s how we are going to spend eternity, I’ll take my chances in hell", which would be better than the “personal hell” of kissing some guy's ass and feet for all eternity, who never did a thing for me and that I never personally knew.

Also, I’m going to start addressing the “God Apologists” by the proper term, because that is exactly what they are. My advice to them is to shut the hell up and allow this all powerful God to start defending himself for a change. Isn’t it time for God to God-up? Quit babying God and let him fight his own battles for a change!! If he's so damn all powerful and can move mountains, let him defend himself and explain why he allows all of the daily atrocities to take place.

Why does he, this all powerful, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God, need some weak, pathetic creatures(that he created of course), that were born worthless sinners(all of which most Christians believe), to constantly defend his pathetic ass and lack of intervention. Oh yeah, it’s that whole free agency nonsense, I forgot.

So, if God can't do anything to ever intervene, why does Satan have so much power? Don't all the religious people always blame Satan for everything? Satan did this, Satan put it in his heart or mind, Satan has great power, etc, etc. Give me a's starting to sound like the religious fanatics worship Satan and think he has more power than God and guess what? Looking at this earth, it certainly appears that way to me, which is to say that their Satan is whooping God's ass!!

Yeah, it's really too bad that Satan has more influence than God, isn't it? I guess God's so called plan is failing miserably, but oh yeah, he knew it would, because once again, "he knows the beginning from the end", he's the "Alpha and Omega" and all that other nonsense.

Let God himself(herself/itself) come down in all his wonderful and powerful glory and splendor and defend himself against these charges on CNN, MSNBC, THE BBC or Fox News. Oh yeah, I guess that’s what the second coming is all about, right guys?

You know, when God/Jesus Christ returns to the earth and finally appears, in order to fry all the non-Jesus believers to a crisp, no matter how good of a life they‘ve lived, no exceptions? Where is God now? Is he still hiding in the clouds or maybe a burning bush? Apparently so, because he is NO WHERE to be found that I or anyone else has seen. Oh yeah, Joseph Smith saw him..LOL!!

A month or so ago, I debated a guy on a Skypecast that some of you where there for. This guy was so far mentally gone, that I truly believe there is no hope for him and he should check into a mental hospital or a padded room ASAP. He was one of these fanatical Evangelicals that I have talked so much about and a complete disgrace to mankind and all humanity. He barely even qualifies as human.

He truly believed(due to his fanatical religious beliefs), that he, myself and everyone else was a sinner from the second they were born and deserved DEATH. He admitted that he felt he deserved to be executed, burned to death, etc.

This debate happened right after all of those children in that New York apartment building, had tragically burned to death in a horrific fire. I asked him specifically about that tragedy and this pathetic guy said that they DESERVED to die, felt nothing for them and thought it was a good thing, because after all; “they were all sinners from birth.”

That was when he said that everyone, including himself deserved to burn to death, be executed, starve to death, etc. He had no mercy, in the name of his supposed loving, all powerful God. This is some seriously sick shit!!

These type of fanatical losers dehumanize everything and everyone and they‘re pathetic in every sense of the word.

These people are also very dangerous to all mankind and in reality, they have no values, morals or integrity and yet they consider me the evil, vile one, because I don’t believe as they do, in their God/Jesus combo, that makes no sense to any rational mind. Thank their God I don’t believe as they do!!

If they don’t value human life at all and truly believe that everyone deserves to die, be executed or literally burned to death; they could go out and kill anyone anyway they choose to and justify it in the name of their God, which happens all the time.

In fact, when it comes to mass murder and executions of innocent non-believers, since the time of Christ, I think the Christians, very sadly, have kicked the Muslims ass. Of course they want everyone to think that it’s the Muslims and everyone else that is doing all the killing and that they’ve never done something so awful. Ever hear of the Christian crusades?

I mean hey, after all, the Christians have the fine examples of their Prophets like Moses, who slaughtered countless thousands of innocents, which included men, women and children, in the name of his/their God, right? Ever heard of "thou shalt not kill?" Apparently Moses, nor his God from a bush/cloud were familiar with that teaching at all, since it was his God commanding mass genocide.

In all reality, what the mass murdering SOB did at Virginia Tech this week, which was horrific, pales in comparison to all of the innocent men, women and children that Moses ordered slaughtered and the virgin women raped, in the Christians beloved, perfect Bible, in the name of God. Why can’t Christians see this, when it’s so obvious? Where’s the equal outrage?

People condemn the guy from Virginia Tech, as I do and rightfully so, but then they praise Moses as a great man, who parted the red sea? What am I missing here? Moses should be condemned by all of Christianity as a very evil, vile, mass murdering man.

The Lafferty brothers here in Utah killed a young lady and her child, in the name of God, claiming that he commanded them to do it. Joseph Smith had sex with other men’s wives and little girls, in secret behind Emma’s back, all in the name of his fabricated God. Are you getting the picture here?

Brigham Young taught that blacks should be executed if they mix their seed with Caucasians, along with execution for many other different sins.

This teaching was known as blood atonement and was once again taught in the name of his God, not to mention the horrific racism and teachings that “blacks are the seed of Cain” and “cursed”, that has been taught in Mormonism since the very beginning dating back to 1830, also in the name of their God. If you don't believe me, just read the Book of Mormon and how the Lamanites were cursed with black or dark skin, due to their sins.

Now, I only make the comparison between the evil executioner at Virginia Tech and Moses, in order to point out the absurdity and evilness of the Bible, which allows anyone to justify anything, including mass murder and genocide, especially those that consider the Bible to be the “perfect” and "infallible" word of God, as many do. At least the Mormons got that right, but too bad they don't apply the same "as far as translated correctly" to their horrendous, bogus, hate-filled Book of Mormon.

Anyone that condemns the mass murders this week at Virginia Tech, which should be everyone, should also be openly condemning the Bible, in order to not be a complete hypocrite and look ridiculous.

Now, I realize that many people out there consider themselves to be good Christians, that go to church every week and that they really don’t even read or study the Bible too much. Many are not even aware of the horrific and destructive teachings of the Bible, because only the good things are focused on when their church teaches them.

The bottom line is that it’s time for people to start using their brains and trying to get things done themselves, instead of waiting for the big man in the sky to intervene or do anything, because he has no intention of ever doing anything, never has and never will. The God of the Bible is a fraud and a mass murderer and complicit in every crime that happens on earth!!

When the gunman at Virginia Tech decided to slaughter 32 innocent students this week, he did it because he wanted to and took joy in it, even smiling while killing the students. When Moses did it, he also took joy and great pleasure in it and did it all in the name and honor of his God, whom he wanted to please and obey. Brigham Young ordered the execution of innocents, like Mountain Meadows Massacre, once again, in the name of his God. Anyone seeing the pattern yet?

Whenever there have been great crimes or mass executions, it was the person or people that decided to do it and not from some direct orders from some God in the sky...or at least I sure hope not. In other words, that God and that Bible or some Biblical type book, is the inspiration and justification for most of the atrocities and wars on earth.

So, I ask; why would God stop the executions at Virginia Tech, when he was the author of and orderer of the mass executions of the Old Testament? Christians and Mormons even have a bigger problem than that; they claim that the God/Jehovah/LORD of the Old Testament, was later born as Jesus Christ in the flesh.

Of course Mormons believe that Jesus is a God, but also the Son of another God(The Father) and a separate person from God(heavenly father), while Christians believe that Jesus is God and both the son of and father of…..himself…LOL!! He prayed to himself, threw his voice from the heavens like a ventriloquist, was the only begotten of himself, spoke of a father he did not have and all the other lunacy that most mainstream Christians believe.

Either way you believe, whether it’s Mormon, Christian or some other nutty belief system involving the Bible or a Biblical book, it’s all fatally flawed and makes ZERO common sense and is a complete joke.

So the Jesus of the Old Testament was seriously, raging pissed and was ordering the mass executions of non-believers, sinners or those dancing around a golden calf, while the Jesus of the new testament, was a “turn the other cheek” pacifist?

Of course Jesus did occasionally slip into his old raging pissed-off self/alter ego of the Old Testament, when he stated that “he came with a sword” and that everyone should “hate their Mother, Father, Brother, Sister”, etc and kiss his ASS or they’d be screwed for all Eternity.

Hey maybe Jesus was just a normal guy who pretended to be the guy that was fabricated in the Old Testament and named Jehovah, to justify all of their hate crimes and mass murder and rape...ya think?!! Good thing that Jesus went and studied Buddha's teachings or he would have been all about hate and murder.

People at Virginia Tech are now praying to said God for healing, when the very same God couldn’t, wouldn’t and didn’t even prevent the mass murder to begin with.

Why would God heal them, when he didn’t give a shit and allowed the executions to happen in the first place?

Doesn’t it make more sense, if you were God, to prevent the horrific murders to begin with, that now requires the healing that they are praying for, than to allow 60 people to be shot and 32 of those executed by a mass murderer? If he wasn’t there for them before the tragedy, why the hell would he be there now?

One student said that “God is the one we need to be talking to.” Oh really? You need to be talking to an invisible man in the sky that can’t and won’t respond and who did nothing to stop mass executions? What makes anyone think that he's actually listening and why would he? This is the same "God" that sat idly by and watched 60 people get shot and didn't lift his pinkie and now he's going to listen to your prayers?

Personally, I wouldn’t waste my time talking to him, when you should be talking and consoling students, family members of the victims, friends and meeting with live, human counselors, that are in the flesh and that can actually respond to you and help you. Talking to an invisible man in the sky, who doesn't respond and may or may not exist, isn’t going to help the situation one iota.

This week has been a very tragic one for sure and many people are suffering tremendously, due to the actions of this evil bastard, with no conscience, who butchered so many innocent people and destroyed their promising futures. He ripped apart families and destroyed countless lives.

I understand the need of people to need and want to believe in and turn to “God” or some higher force or power during their time of desperation, need and excruciating pain(I‘ve been there myself), but I wonder if they’ve ever wondered why “God” wasn’t there for them before the tragic events took place?

It just doesn’t make any logical sense at all to me. I know that it isn't popular to ask these questions during such a difficult time, but they must be raised, as many have raised them before and many will raise them in the future and that's why I wrote this post.

What’s funny is that I and many others, specifically ex-Mormons, want to believe in a God or a higher, all-powerful being, but we just can’t find any legitimate reasons to. There are plenty of more reasons to not believe in said God, than to believe in him. Why would he present us with such overwhelming evidence in the negative? Oh yeah, it's a trial of our faith, right? If that's the case, what is this life really; some type of sick game then?

Obviously we all came from somewhere and something created this planet we are living on, but I don’t believe that any of us have any idea who this being or force really is, how we got here, who created us, how we came into existence, or where exactly we are going after this earthly experience. Obviously it has to all be for something, because saying it's all for nothing, is far more illogicial then thinking life has a purpose and that we'll be reunited with our loved ones in the next realm of existence.

I cannot and refuse to believe in the pathetic, evil, racist, violent, slavery and rape promoting, mass murderer of a “Christian God” that is represented in the Bible, that has inspired so much bloodshed and death since the beginning of time.

In fact, why is anyone so desperate, that they need to believe in this horrendous being, as described and defined in the Bible?

For those that claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to talk to God and that he responds to you in return, just like another human being would, I’d like to ask you four things:

1) What does he look like?
2)What tone of voice does he have?
3)What exactly is he saying to you?
4)Are you sure that the voices in your head are a healthy thing and not just a sign of a more serious issue?

We all have thoughts and ideas in our head, which is our own self and our own conscience, not some voice from on high. I used to believe that the voices I heard were from God, directing me, but I was a Mormon cult member back then and now I realize that when I have thoughts in my mind, IT IS ME, not God. Time to give yourself credit folks for those good ideas and not some invisible God.

It’s pretty scary to me when we have a bunch of people running around obeying mysterious voices in their heads, which are telling them what to do, which they claim is coming from some invisible, all powerful man in the sky, who refuses to physically show himself and hasn‘t been seen for over 2000 years or ever. What am I missing here?

Apparently the voices in my head, that abruptly left when I discovered that Mormonism/all religion is a complete fraud, were due to my cult upbringing and brainwashing from birth, which taught me that God was always talking to me through his Holy Ghost. Organized religion has been created for money and power and completely fucks normal people up and in some cases, turns them into fanatical, irrational nut-jobs that can no longer be a part of normal society or carry on normal conversations, except in their head, with this invisible God, who never stops talking to them.

Even more scary for me, at least here in the USA, is that we don’t even want to elect someone to be the President or most other political offices, if they aren’t a “person of faith.” Somehow, we feel safer having someone in the oval office that relies on the “big, invisible man”, that "talks to God" and hears these mysterious voices in their head. Sadly, I used to count myself among this majority group.

Personally, I’d rather have someone that did what they did because it was the right thing to do, made sense, was logical, morally right, etc, then someone that did or didn’t do things, things because “God told them to.” Holy shit!! I mean what’s scarier…Mitt Romney doing what Hinckley or Monson(that claim to speak for God as his only authorized servants on the entire earth) tells him to do, or Mitt Romney following the voices in his own head, that he attributes to the "Mormon God.”

A lot of people follow the voices in their head, as we were reminded this week with the tragedy of Virginia Tech and look at the horrific results. Dictators, terrorists, mass murders and cult leaders like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Hugo Chavez, the Lafferty Brothers, Moses, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the current Mormon Hierarchy(Gordon B. Hinckley) and many others have either followed or now follow the voices in their head and look at the suffering that has ensued because of it.

Finally, I’d like to once again remind everyone of another thing this tragedy at Virginia Tech reminded me of; Gordon B. Hinckley is a massive fraud and doesn’t represent any God, rather a cult corporation. The Mormon doctrines claim that he, the Prophet, is the only authorized man on the entire planet, that is allowed to speak for and on behalf of God.

This only man on earth, authorized to speak for God, who claims to be a Prophet, Seer and Revelator, that supposedly receives revelations for the whole world, receives nothing.

The night before the Tsunami hit and killed 250,000+ people, he was laughing it up with Larry King and presenting him with his personal genealogy.

He can’t predict or prophesy about any natural disasters, like earthquakes, hurricanes(Katrina) or mass murder rampages, like we saw this week at Virginia Tech and a month or so ago at Trolley Square, right in the backyard of God’s only authorized man on the earth. I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again; what good does this guy do? Prophet, Seer and Revelator? Of What?

In fact, very sadly, 15 year old Kirsten Hinckley, someone directly related to Gordon B. Hinckley, was brutally killed by the psychopath, proving that he can’t even protect his very own family members, let alone Mormon church members or other people of the world. Wake up folks, the guy is a fraud and very well paid for it!! He is the CEO of Mormon fraud and is laughing at all of you(all the way to the bank), that believe he walks and talks with God.

Gordon B. Hinckley can’t predict pedophilia, sexual abuse or rape, even if it’s in the very church that he pretends and claims to lead or done by leaders that “were called of God by the spirit of discernment."(John D. Lee-Seventy) In other words, Gordon B. Hinckley is a lying, fraudulent cult leader that knows nothing more than anybody else.

In fact, in any case where the Mormon cult is accused of sex abuse or crimes; Hinckley, God’s only supposed mouthpiece and CEO on earth, sends out Jesus Christ’s personal lawyers to trash, discredit and re-victimize the victims, to make sure that the image of the Mormon cult isn’t tarnished.

It is shameful behavior and Gordon B. Hinckley is the CEO of this Mormon cult of shame and destruction and responsible for it all, in the name of his God of course, just like Moses. There is no difference between the Pope or Gordon B. Hinckley, except that the Pope actually tries to do some good at some point. In the end, they are both complete frauds, along with their mass murdering God.

I wish the victims and their families from Virginia Tech and all the others around the world, that have suffered tragedy, the very best and you are all in my thoughts constantly. Every day, masses of people are brutally killed, raped and tortured on this earth and the very God that so many people are praying to for comfort, through whatever religion or God they believe in, would be the same all powerful God that is allowing it all to happen, as he sits and watches, in the name of some nonsense called "free agency."

Too bad "free agency" makes this all powerful God completely powerless, while their Satan is running the show. What good is it to be all powerful if you can't ever use your power. Maybe lex Luthor hung some Kryptonite around his neck?

I'll ask everyone again, what I asked at the beginning....

Where is God?!!

Samuel the Utahnite

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Yet Another Mormon Missionary Sadly Dies, This Time In Washington State. Do Mormon Garments Really Protect Anyone As The Mormon Hierarchy Claims?!!

(***I'd like to thank whomever the person is that flagged this video "for mature audiences only." I know the subject matter might be difficult for some people(especially TBMS or Mormon apologists or Mormon leaders in denial) to deal with, but this video came straight off of the local 10 o'clock news here in Utah and should not be labeled "for mature audiences only." I agree that this story is tragic and horrific, but it is a fact that this young man died as a supposed servant of Jesus Christ and was not protected by his Jesus, Jesus' supposed Prophet/Apostles or his garments, which the Mormon Hierarchy promise will protect him. What happened to that spirit of discernment, AGAIN, that they're supposed to have and brag about on a regular basis? This is a story that everyone needs to see, especially future missionaries and their families.***)

William T. Anguilau Jr. was serving in the Seattle, Washington mission when he was tragically killed last week after being hit while riding his bike. His Stake President wanted to go before the news cameras, to make sure that everyone knows that the family is just fine with everything and that they accepted it as a "simply an extension of his mission on the other side" and that his family "doesn't have any ill will with either the person that hit him or the church."

The last part about the family not being upset with the church, is the most important part of course, for the church and especially their cult leader Gordon B. Hinckley and all the future Mormon missionaries. Bottom line is that everything is just fine, the works going forward, no worries people, IT'S ALL GOOD!!

Remember everyone, that the OFFICIAL position of the Mormon Hierarchy, as taught and stated by the Mormon Apostle M. Russell Ballard(a direct and very proud blood descendant of Joseph Smith) is that it doesn't matter if Mormon missionaries get HURT or KILLED in the future, IT WILL NOT STOP THIS WORK!! The work and the cult will always, ALWAYS trump human life, according to these evil BASTARDS sitting in their ivory tower of shame at 50 East North Temple, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Mormon Hierarchy lives the life of Kings, while missionaries suffer tremendous hardship and even give their lives for these ASSHOLES. They fail to teach the missionaries any safety tips and have them so scared to get their numbers and baptize, that they probably do things that they wouldn't normally do and go to places they would never normally go to and they end up making pressured and sometimes irrational decisions that they normally wouldn't make.

They are forced to ride bikes in cities crowded with cars and on busy roads, where bikes have no business even being. Does the Mormon Hierarchy spend time teaching auto safety in the MTC or what to do if they come across a robbery or murderer, or someone with a gun? Of course they don't, because they don't give a shit about any of them.

Was William T. Anguilau Jr. or any other missionary given a special course in the MTC on bike safety? I doubt it, as they were too busy teaching the missionaries all of their bold faced lies and fairy tales and how to manipulate people into their cult corporation and also, because nobody in the great and spacious building gives a rat's ass if missionaries are hurt or killed, as plainly stated by M. Russell Ballard.

Bottom line is that the safety of missionaries doesn't even cross the minds of the Mormon Hierarchy and it never has and never will, fully supported by M. Russell Ballard, the head asshole of the missionary department.

In this video, The Stake President Tracy Branch, says that William now has a "free ticket so to speak and WE'RE GLAD OF THAT....and that he returned with honor." So even though there is no way normally, to spin a tragic death into something wonderful, positive and faith promoting for future Mormon cult missionaries and their families, they've tried to do it once again, especially mentioning his "free ticket" to Paradise. Who wouldn't want a "free ticket", right?

Damn, it kind of sounds like a teaching of some famous cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh or what was taught in the Heaven's Gate cult, doesn't it? Isn't this what organized religion is really all about though? Doesn't everyone want that "free ticket so to speak?"

How repulsive and sad, to hear the pathetic Stake President Tracy Branch spewing the same old typical bullshit, that the Mormon leadership spews after missionaries are tragically killed. It's always a "cover your ass as quickly as possible routine", the second a Mormon missionary is tragically killed, injured, attacked, etc.

I mean after all, this Stake President gets some camera time and if he handles it well enough and defends the Goddamn cult, he might get a promotion in the cult corporation, right? I'm sure he received the congratulatory phone call from Hinckley or one of his cronies, commending him and how well he handled the situation and I'm sure good things now await the heartless scumbag.

I wish the best for William T. Anguilau Jr's family, who is just perfectly fine and have no issue whatsoever with William's death and understand it to simply be an "extension of his mission", according to their loving, caring and understanding Stake President/cult leader Tracy Branch, who would always put the family first and the cult second, right? Apparently not!!

Of course with yet another death of a Mormon missionary, which brings the total to at least 9(that we've heard of-which doesn't include robberies, car jackings, rapes, beatings, etc) in around 16 months time, it brings several issues to mind.

The other day I was reading on RFM and a poster that I highly respect named Cheryl(I think this is the same Cheryl that Steve Benson was allowed(by Susan I/S) to ridicule and openly attack, right after she announced her daughter had just been sent to the hospital) was getting a lot of grief from people that felt no one should ever mention that fact that Mormon garments don't protect missionaries or anyone else. They said that she was mocking the missionaries and making fun of them...WTF?!!

They felt that she was out of line, insensitive and many other colorful adjectives. She couldn't figure out why everyone was so pissed off and attacking her, since she was trying to save future lives and point out the truth, which is that garments protect no one, EVER and never have and that everyone needed to know the "real truth."

So, after reading her comments and those of others, I was pretty pissed off and I decided to respond and this is what I had to say about the subject:

I'm with you and support you Cheryl 100%! Thank you for this post.

The Mormon Hierarchy teaches that Mormon garments will protect you, which is a damn lie.

How many of us ex-Mormons heard the FPRs growing up about Mormon garments? J. Willard Marriott even shared his personal experience and testimony, in the 60 minute interview about his boat catching on fire, and how nothing that was covered by his garments got burned, etc. He flat out stated that garments protect you from harm and he's currently serving as an Area Authority Seventy back in the Virginia area, as a member of the third Quorum of the Seventy.

Did the Mormon Hierarchy issue a correction on their former "mistakes in the media" page, stating that J. Willard Marriott's FPR wasn't true? Of course not, because they want people to believe their cult bullshit and FPRs. Isn't it more offensive to say that he was protected by garments, while many others aren't? What does this say? Does the Mormon God only protect the elite and rich Mormons? Is he just more worthy than the rest of the "regular Mormons?"

Was it that those that died weren't worthy? It's like Benjamin Ellsworth's mission president mentioning, right after he died, that he'd just met with him a day or 2 before and that "he was worthy." Why did he have to point that out? What did that have to do with anything? Apparently then, worthiness has nothing to do with garments protecting you?
Gee, I thought it did?

Even Hinckley says you won’t get sick on your mission and cause the work to “grind to a halt”, if you are “obedient” to all the rules. Wouldn’t this include death? So I guess the opposite is also true, meaning that any missionary that dies, is considered unworthy by the Mormon Hierarchy, right? Now that’s offensive!

So, when missionaries are crushed by trains, like Benjamin Ellsworth was, or burned to death in a car crash, like the two over in New Zealand, or hit by a car and killed or like Morgan Young, who was shot and killed working in an unsafe area full of regular gunfire(as his companion said to a newspaper here in Utah), I think it is our duty, as ex-Mormons that know the truth, to point out that GARMENTS DON'T PROTECT ANYONE and many other things.

In fact, I think it is irresponsible not to point this out and by pointing it out, we can actually help to save lives, like Cheryl pointed out. We can also point out that missionaries are not being led by Jesus Christ or "inspired men of God" and that's why they are working in unsafe areas, towns and countries, every single day. Is that offensive too? What is okay to talk about?

I can't believe that so many ex-Mormons are so afraid or timid to point out the truth and facts, no matter what the situation is. Do we want to help others or not? By pointing out the fact that missionaries dying, is a glaring example of how garments don't protect anyone and is another example of the Mormon Hierarchy lying, and is very necessary and not being cold, mean or mocking in my opinion.

I mean hell, if anyone should be protected, it should be Jesus' personal servants on earth, the missionaries, shouldn't it? Maybe they were masturbating and not worthy of the protection of the garments? It's ridiculous!

Isn't the myth that garments will protect you (which the Mormon Hierarchy teaches and allows to be perpetuated by their General Authorities in national TV interviews), far worse than us ex-Mormons pointing out that they are lying AGAIN and that garments don't protect anyone?

Isn't it the Mormon Hierarchy that is openly mocking the dead missionaries and their families and then using them for PR, like when Ballard says, "In many ways, Elder Young has been transferred" and "that he continues to preach his message in another sphere."

By pointing out that garments are useless and don't protect anyone, we aren't "mocking" the dead missionary, rather just telling it like it is, exposing the Mormon cult and hopefully helping others in the process, to turn on their brain and realize the garment myth is complete bullshit and hopefully we are helping to prevent future deaths, like Cheryl is pointing out. Is this concept too deep for some of you?

Morgan Young's mom said "I'm proud that he died with his boots on." In other words, they are very strong and devout in the church, have 2 more kids getting ready for missions(they are more determined than ever now to go and say that they now have a legacy to fulfill left by Morgan) and nothing would ever affect their testimony. If the death of their son didn't phase them, nothing ever will.

They had their photo op with Hinckley and Ballard, the day of the funeral, who used Morgan's death as a PR stunt and assured everyone that "missions were the safest place for a 19-21 year old to be." Yeah, nice, loving words AT A FUNERAL of a missionary that was just KILLED.....I guess they were just taking the Boyd KKK Packer approach toward funerals?

Why are ex-Mormons pissed about people pointing out that garments didn't protect these missionaries, when it's THE TRUTH? Is that heartless and mocking the dead missionaries? Really? Are you guys serious? I guess there isn't ever a time to talk about it then, is there? I guess we all need to live in fear and utter trepidation of discussing such a touchy subject or offending "the Mormons?” Our attack is clearly on the Mormon Hierarchy, not the missionaries, so figure it out people and get a clue.

I guess it's kind of like how the Mormon Hierarchy call us apostates "evil, "disease germs", "full of darkness", "dangerous", that "they should run from us as fast as they can", "anti-Christs", etc? Yeah, I guess we need to be nice and loving to these folks, right?

Now, if us ex-Mormons want to get pissed about something and re-direct our anger to the proper place, we should all be focused on what the asshole Mormon Apostle Ballard had to say, in January of 2006, right after 5 missionaries had been tragically killed in about a month's time.

Ballard said:

"This work will continue to go forward regardless of what happens, regardless of what the future may hold. If there are other missionaries that are HURT or other missionaries that are KILLED, IT WILL NOT STOP THIS WORK. Joseph Smith made that abundantly clear that there would be nothing that would stop this work from rolling forward till the Great Jehovah comes forward and says the work is done. And He hasn't said that yet."

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I find these words, by a Mormon Apostle, to be far worse and mocking than somebody pointing out that garments don't protect missionaries or anyone else. Where's the outrage and anger by ex-Mormons regarding this statement, by somebody official, high up in the Mormon church hierarchy? Ballard is the Mormon Hierarchy's guru and go to man on missionaries and directly blood related to Joseph Smith for Mormon God's sake! Shouldn’t his words outrage those that are so upset about garments being discussed? What hypocrites!!

Ballard, at that same time, also said this regarding missionaries:

"When you say, What kind of work do we do to see that the missionaries are kept in safe places and that they proselyte in safe places? We do the very, very best we know how, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF INSPIRED, CALLED, WONDERFUL MISSION PRESIDENTS AND THEIR WIVES."

This is another outrageous lie! "Safe places" my ass! Is that why they send sisters to South Africa, to walk the streets alone, when it is the rape Capital of the world and has one of the highest crime rates in the world? Over a million women are raped there every damn year! Oh, am I being too offensive in pointing out these truths and facts?

The US Government's website warns against all Americans traveling there, specifically to that area where they were attacked and how many of the companies over there are pulling out all of the their workers, especially Americans, due to the dangers and crime and kidnappings? Missionaries(according to those who have been there) get robbed and car jacked there every single month(it is completely unreported to the media and covered up by the Mormon Hierarchy)....does anyone care in the Mormon Hierarchy? Of course they don't. THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT!

Here are some quick stats on South Africa, according to the UN:

#2 in the world for assault and murder.

Average of 170 South African Police officers killed every year.

In 1996, it was reported that they had 50,481 rapes reported, with it being likely that only 1 in 20 were being reported, which comes out to over 1 million rapes a year, as I stated above.

Danny Brock, the mission President, right after these 2 sisters were brutally beaten, robbed and then gang raped for hours at gunpoint and one was shot, said:

"Now, they're getting the best care money can buy. When this is over, THEY PLAN TO REMAIN IN SOUTH AFRICA AND COMPLETE THEIR MISSIONARY WORK."

What heart, what compassion and what a great man! Of course, the cult always comes first, doesn't it, even after being brutally raped for hours and shot? Holy shit! Now this is something to get pissed about folks and fellow ex-Mormons. Oh yeah, did their garments protect them? Of course not and that's a fact and the truth, as painful as it may be for some of you to deal with and understand.

When interviewed, Molly Jolley of Bountiful, Utah, the daughter of the MP Danny Brock, reiterated what the asshole Ballard said:

"Bad things happen everywhere and it's unfortunate. My heart goes out to those poor sisters and their families BUT THE WORK MUST GO ON."


Now, that's something to get pissed about folks, if you are just a normal human being, that puts human life and the well being of others above a damn cult, which Molly obviously doesn't. She is a brainwashed cult member that puts the Goddamn cult above EVERYTHING else, even life itself, as does her daddy Brock, the disgraceful mission president.

Hinckley, regarding missionaries has said:

"No one else in the Church has a farewell when entering a particular service. We never have a special farewell-type meeting for a newly called bishop, for a stake president, for a Relief Society president, for a General Authority, or anyone else of whom I can think. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE MISSIONARY FAREWELLS?"

He then ended with this:

"We know this will be a great disappointment to many families. Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and friends have participated in the past. We ask that you accept this decision. Where a farewell has already been arranged, it may go forward. But none in the traditional sense should be planned for the future. We are convinced that when all aspects of the situation are considered, THIS IS A WISE DECISION. Please accept it, my dear brethren. I extend this plea also to the sisters, particularly the mothers.

We hope also that holding elaborate open houses after the sacrament meeting at which the missionary speaks will not prevail. Members of the family may wish to get together. We have no objection to this. However, WE ASK THAT THERE BE NO PUBLIC RECEPTION TO WHICH LARGE NUMBERS ARE INVITED.

Missionary service is such a wonderful experience that it brings with it its own generous reward. And WHEN A MISSIONARY RETURNS TO HIS FAMILY AND HIS WARD, HE MAY AGAIN BE GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK IN A SACRAMENT MEETING."


I guess Hinckley also isn't including his "ELABORATE birthday bashes" that he has every 5 years, on the tithe payers money, when he says, "We hope also that holding elaborate open houses after the sacrament meeting at which the missionary speaks will not prevail" and "WE ASK THAT THERE BE NO PUBLIC RECEPTION TO WHICH LARGE NUMBERS ARE INVITED." DAMN HYPOCRITE! This is the bullshit that should piss off ex-Mormons.

I guess Hinckley also wasn't including his own pathetic ass and his public birthday bashes(in the $500 million Gordydome) with Donny Osmond, Mike Wallace, Gladys Knight, the 5 Browns, etc, when he said, "We never have a special farewell-type meeting for a newly called bishop, for a stake president, for a Relief Society president, for a General Authority, or anyone else of whom I can think. Why should we have missionary farewells?"

Oh, he isn't a General Authority? Again, I point all of this out, because this is what should piss us off and outrage us, not whether we(ex-Mormons) are discussing Mormon magic underwear and whether it protected someone that was just killed or not. I find it more offensive NOT TO TALK ABOUT IT.

Why is the truth so hard for some people to talk about? We aren't in the Mormon cult anymore guys and we can freely talk about whatever we want to now...get over the mind control and need to feel so sheepish and afraid of offending someone, when you are simply presenting the facts and truth.

We need to take every opportunity we can to point out the lies and fraud of Mormonism, in the hopes of helping someone. I don't give a damn if I offend 13,000,000 Mormons, or all ex-Mormons, or everyone in RFM, in order to help someone else see the light or not die and I wish that more of us ex-Mormons had this attitude, I really do.

Let's be honest, the Mormon Hierarchy's teachings on garments are used as a control tactic, a fear tactic and to make a shit load of money, in the hundreds of millions of dollars. They are the bad guys and the assholes, that perpetuate this bullshit, not us ex-Mormons who talk about it.

Unfortunately, their desire for power, control and filthy lucre, is costing the lives of the innocent people and MISSIONARIES we speak of, that buy their bullshit fairy tale and FPRs, which claim garments will protect you. This is outrageous and tragic and verging on criminal.

Now, any ex-Mormons out there, that want to get pissed off at other ex-Mormons for talking about this openly and freely, whenever they want, and that are not pissed off at the Mormon Hierarchy, need to re-direct their anger and frustration to the correct place, which is the Mormon Hierarchy and get a clue while your at it.

The very fact is that WE(those who are talking about garments, etc) are the ones that actually care tremendously about human life, and that’s why we are trying to point out that the Mormon Hierarchy doesn’t give a shit about human life or who dies or if missionaries get killed, repeating again what M. Russell Ballard said plainly, right after 5 missionaries had been tragically killed, “If there are other missionaries that are HURT or other missionaries that are KILLED, IT WILL NOT STOP THIS WORK.”

He’s the guy you want to go after, he's the cold, callous asshole, not other ex-Mormons that are trying to expose him and his damn cult.

It's guys like Ballard and Hinckley and all the other cronies in the Mormon Hierarchy(going back to horny Joe himself), that knowingly perpetuate their fraud to the world and the teachings like "garments will protect you from harm" and the reason that these missionaries, along with their families are brainwashed, believe they are called of Jesus Christ, have leaders directly led by Jesus Christ and are then subsequently killed on their mission representing the Mormon cult.

If the lies and fraud didn't exist and they weren't brainwashed, they wouldn't have been killed on their missions, plain and simple.

So, how does pointing these facts and truths out, make us not concerned about human life? Has anyone really stopped to think that we do what we do, because we care SO MUCH about human life and we are trying to prevent future tragedies? It’s because “they are and were someone's children, friends, grandchildren, and loved ones” that we do what we do, or at least why I do what I do.

I also added another comment to another post, regarding this issue and specifically, the 2 sisters that were brutally raped in South Africa:

Yeah, according to Molly Jolley, the lovely daughter of Danny Brock, the Mission President in South Africa, gang rapes out on a public street, could happen anywhere, even Bountiful, Utah, where Molly lives.

I'd like someone to please tell me the last time 2 women were robbed, beaten and then gang raped at gunpoint for hours, with one being shot, in broad daylight, right on a main street in Bountiful, like 5th south or 5th west? Yeah, Bountiful is just like South Africa, dumbass!

Molly ended her interview saying:

"Bad things happen everywhere and it's unfortunate. My heart goes out to those poor sisters and their families but THE WORK MUST GO ON."

NICE MOLLY! What love, compassion and understanding....but yeah, the cult must go on.

Her Daddy Danny Brock, right after the brutal attack on the 2 sisters, said:

"They were walking alongside a busy road (the old Harding highway), which they knew well. Moreover, it was one of the busiest times of the day with cars whizzing past. Safer than that, you would not get."

Yeah, apparently not safe enough asshole! Oh by the way, an estimated 1,000,000 plus women a year are raped in South Africa and it is ranked 2nd in the world in murder rate...ARE YOU AWARE OF ANY OF THAT DANNY BOY OR DO YOU JUST NOT GIVE A FLYING SHIT?! NOTHING IS TOO GOOD FOR YOUR MORMON GOD AND JESUS, RIGHT MR. BROCK?! IN FACT, IT WOULD BE AN HONOR TO BE RAPED AND MURDERED FOR THE MORMON GOD, WOULDN'T IT?

Spencer W. Kimball would certainly agree, and in fact, these two sisters should be ashamed to even be alive at all, because they should have died, fighting off their rapists harder, as Kimball teaches in MOF. Oh yeah and I certainly hope that they didn't "contribute to the foul dead" as Kimball also hopes.

Danny Brock also said:

"Now, they're getting the best care money can buy. When this is over, THEY PLAN TO REMAIN IN SOUTH AFRICA AND COMPLETE THEIR MISSIONARY WORK."

When this is over? When will that be? Oh yeah, being robbed, beaten and gang raped for hours at gun point, with one of them being shot, was just no big deal man and as soon as they heal PHYSICALLY, they'll return to their mission.

Danny Brock is the asshole of the century! Do these cult leaders ever stop for one second to consider the human element of the situation? EVER?!

I can't even imagine the mental, psychological and emotional trauma that these 2 sisters went through and here their President is, covering the Morg's ass at all costs, making sure everyone knows that the sisters are just fine and can't wait to get back on their mission for the Mormon cult and Jesus.

Will the Mormon cult pay their lifelong medical and counseling bills if they need it? Yeah right! Did they stay on their missions? Anyone know? I'm sure they put tremendous pressure on them to do so, as they always do.

Yeah, here's the Mormon cult faith promoting version of what happened, or how they would report it, or what they would want everyone to think was written in the sister's journal entry for that day, in a nutshell:

"Today we went tracting, were walking down a busy street, and we were robbed, beaten, gang raped for hours at gun and knife point and I was also shot. I was so upset, because we had a 3:00 appointment that we weren't able to make...I hope they understand and that we can reschedule.

Anyway, now we are in the hospital, getting the best care money can buy and I can't wait to get back on that same street again, in the rape Capital of the world, where I know that Jesus Christ and my garments will protect me next time, since I'm a representative of Jesus Christ himself and the 'one and only true church on earth.'

I just hope we can get out of the hospital by Thursday, because we have an appointment for the 3rd discussion with a family that is about to get baptized. I'm so blessed to be here and I know that what we experienced will just make us stronger, was meant to be and that lots of good will come from it."

Sick, demented, disgraceful cult of shit! Talk about a complete MIND FUCK!

I think my comments clearly explain how I feel and I'm sure the TBM apologists will have plenty to say, or then again, maybe not. Maybe they'll be too embarrassed? I highly doubt it, as they'll usually defend the Mormon cult at any cost, literally.

I mean hey, if they can defend racism, blood atonement and sex with kids and other men's wives, in the name of their God, by their "Praise to the Man/Greater than Jesus Christ Prophet Joseph Smith", why not defend this, right? This is something minor to them, I'm sure, in the big scheme of the cult.

I look forward to your comments,

Samuel the Utahnite

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