Monday, January 16, 2006

Mormon Missionary Memoriam-Those Who Have Died While Serving The Mormon Church As Missionaries.

I felt inspired to post this page and list it in my permanent links on my blog. I just wanted to find a way to honor those young men that have died in the service of the Mormon Church. It's amazing to me that the Mormon Church hasn't done something like this, but then again, why would they? They only like positive, faith promoting, burning bosom material, thus the lack of even mentioning Benjamin Ellsworth's death in Argentina back in December. Still not one word on Benjamin on the Churches website. I'm glad that I and others are around to point this stuff out.

The only mention of the Elders that died in New Zealand, was in the talk given By M. Russell Ballard. No official mention of them either, like in a statement to the press, nada. Also, no mention of the Elder that died back in November in Mexico. Why you ask? Because they really don't care. They believe that hey, if you die on your mission for them, which they consider to be for Jesus, that you couldn't have died in a better place or time. I know, very twisted, but that's how these cult leaders think. I just think that is disgraceful that they do nothing to honor these men and women each year and nothing permanent in their memory, yet they can celebrate Joseph's and Hinckley's birthdays all year long.

I just want to dedicate this page to these young men and women that have fallen and also their Families, since their own Church won't even do it and my goal is to eventually have all of them listed. I need your help out there to be able to gather all the names. I'm going to start with those that were listed in the Deseret News since 1999 but please send me the names of the others, those of you that know them. For example, the 2 missionaries that were killed in Texas and the 2 that were assassinated in Bolivia, etc. I'll be doing my research, but any help that you could provide me, would be greatly appreciated and expedite the process.

Here is the beginning of this list:

LDS Missionary Deaths from 1999-2006

Matthew Turley of Ridgefield, Connecticut, was hit by a drunk driver and killed on April 23, 2006. He was serving in the Mendoza, Argentina mission, in the city of San Luis.

Matthew Turley's companion, Elder Tyler Watts, of West Valley City was also injured and hit by the drunk driver, but is expected to make a full recovery and yes, FINISH his mission of course. He has around 5 months to go.

Bradley Isle New Zealand 1/5/2006 Auto accident Accident

Jonathan Talmadge New Zealand 1/5/2006 Auto accident Accident

Morgan W. Young U.S./Virginia 1/2/2006 Shot Witnessed crime, gunman shot him

Benjamin Ellsworth Argentina 12/5/2005 Train accident Fell under train

Joel Galindo Flores Mexico 11/9/2005 Hit by car Accident

Michael Joshua Bent Samoa 11/23/2003 Drowning Accident

Nathan Scott Godfrey Argentina 3/10/2003 Electrocuted Accident, trying to save another

Lym Kelly U.S. 10/18/2002 Auto accident Accident

Johnson Gregory Scott Mexico 9/29/2002 Electrocuted Accident

Atchley Adele Ivory Coast 8/3/2002 Murder Robbery

Leaunae Limuula Samoa 1/30/2002 Auto accident Accident

Platt Spencer U.S. 12/17/2001 Auto accident Accident

Thomas Jonathan Reed Argentina 8/29/2001 Hit by train Accident

Gleason Mark England 6/12/2001Auto accident Accident

Teodorescu Mihai England 6/12/2001 Auto accident Accident

Pixton Clark Henry Ukraine 7/14/2001 Fall Accident

Driggs Eric Robert Argentina 4/6/2000 Auto accident Accident

Christiansen Jaysen Ray U.S. 1/28/2000 Auto accident Accident

Pulham Jared Mont U.S. 1/28/2000 Auto accident Accident

Roundy Daniel Byrne U.S. 1/28/2000 Auto accident Accident

Savage Bradley Alan U.S. 1/28/2000 Auto accident Accident

Peterson Melissa U.S. 1/21/2000Auto accident Accident

Barrett Jonathan Philip Ivory Coast 4/24/1999 Stabbed Attacked by drunken man Papenfuss Jaarl Michael Canary Islands 1/18/1999

Prymak Joshua Matthew Canary Islands 1/18/1999 Drowning Accident

I then found a great site that listed many of the missionaries all the way back to the 1800's. Interestingly, this list has some from 2001, 2002, etc, that are not listed on the above list, and vice versa, not sure why. In any case, hopefully between the two lists, they are all listed.

The Parley P. Pratt Missionary Memorial Monument and Wall
In Memoria

We want to honor and recognize the work of all missionaries on the Parley P. Pratt Missionary Memorial, but unfortunately we do not have a complete list of those who have given their lives in the service of the Master. Nor do we have a complete roster of all missionaries who now face physical, emotional and intellectual challenges as a result of accident or illness suffered on their missions. Further, we do not have a complete list of those missionaries whose lives were taken before being able to enter the mission field. Your help in compiling a more complete account of those we would honor will be greatly appreciated.

Adele Atchley, 65, Ivory Coast Abidjan, Santa Monica, CA 2002

*Seth Jorry Wright, (19), Scotland Edinburgh, Springville, UT 2002

Lee Carl Nelson, 77, Washington D.C. North, Big Fork, MT 2002

Michael John Jones, 20, Washington Spokane, Taylorsville, UT 2002

Spencer Goodwin Platt, 20, Montana Billings, Murray, UT 2001

Jonathan Reed Thomas, 19, Argentina Buenos Aires West, Chandler, AZ 2001

Scott Robert Smith, 21, Washington Seattle, Clearfield, UT 2001

Mark Douglas Gleason, 20, England Bristol, Pleasant Grove, UT 2001

Mihai Teodorescu, 20, England Bristol, Ploiseti, Romania 2001

*Carl Miller, (21), Salt Lake City South, Vergennes, Vermont 2001

James Coleman Gatherum, 65, Laotian/Thai Church Service, Salt Lake City, UT 2001

*Burke Jensen, (20), Texas Dallas, Orem, UT 2001

*Nathan James, (20), Brazil, Orem, UT 2001

Wen Ping Shi, 27, Washington D.C. North, Fujin, China 2000

Thomas Dale Cram, 72, Thailand Bangkok, Salt Lake City, UT 2000

Melvin Joseph Merrell, 66, China Xi’an English Teachers, Salt Lake City,
UT 2000

*Bradley Green, (20), Brazil Rio de Janeiro North, Cedar City, UT 2000

Clark Henry Pixton, 20, Ukraine Donetsk, Logan, UT 2000

*Robert Michael Lawrence, (20), Guatemala North, Murray, UT 2000

Delbert Tolton Goates, 68, England Manchester, Salt Lake City, UT 2000

Eric Robert Driggs, 20, Argentina Resistencia, Mesa, AZ 2000

*Jordan Lee Call, (19), Argentina Resistencia, Logan, UT 2000

Melissa Peterson, 22, North Carolina Raleigh, Snowflake, AZ 2000

Jaysen Ray Christiansen, Iowa DesMoines, Harrisville, UT 2000

Jared Mont Pulham, 20, Iowa DesMoines, Alpine, UT 2000

Bradly Alan Savage, 20, Iowa DesMoines, Lehi, UT 2000

Daniel Byrne Roundy, 19, Iowa DesMoines, Kaysville, UT 2000

Hartley, Chile Santiago South

ChristianGlen Packer, 24, Salt Lake City Welfare Square, Farmington, UT 1999

Richard Keith Black, South Africa Capetown, Murray, UT 1999

Jaarl Michael Papenfuss, 20, Spain Las Palmas, Fountain Green, UT 1999

Joshua Matthew Prymak, 19, Spain Las Palmas, Montclair, VA 1999

Jonathan Philip Barrett, Ivory Coast Abidjan, Morgan, UT 1999

Rhett S. Orcutt, 19, Texas Houston, Salt Lake City, UT 1998

Charlotte Dorae Lofgreen, 67, Ivory Coast Abidjan, Orem, UT 1998

Renee Anderson, 66, Ivory Coast Abidjan, Salt Lake City, UT 1998

Sean Thomas Richardson, 21, Mexico Mexico City East, Ukiah, CA 1998

Jose Manuel Mackintosh, 20, Russia Yekaterinburg, Hiko, NV 1998

*Bradley Borden, (20), Russia Yekaterinburg, Mesa, AZ 1998

Nathan Wallace Kofford, 19, Taiwan Taichung, Alpine, UT 1998

Kenton Martin, 20, Florida Tallahassee, South Jordan, UT 1998

*Andrew Wayne Peterson, (50), Mexico Area Presidency, Salt Lake City, UT 1997

*Orin A. Voorheis, (20), Argentina Buenos Aires, Pleasant Grove, UT 1997

Devin Ranald Boren, 19, Spirit World, Alpine, UT 1997

Keith Madsen, 20, Taiwan Taipei, 1997

Juan Carlos Castillo, 40, Santiago Chile Area Presidency, Santiago,
Chile, 1996

M. Lee Miller, 62, Tonga Nuku'alofa, Bountiful, UT 1996

Joshua Vaughn Berrett, 21, Arizona Tempe, __________, 1995

Jennifer Schulz, 22, Japan Fukuoka, Salt Lake City, UT 1995

Ryan Matthew Akers, 20, Spain Malaga, Gunnison, CO 1994

Max Christiansen, 66, Arizona Tucson, Newton, UT 1994

Carl Hildt Wollenzien, 68, Germany Frankfurt, Provo, UT 1993

Marion Ellnor Nash Lee, England Bristol, Ephraim, UT 1993

Kent Virl Hyde, 22, Arizona Phoenix, Thayne, WY 1992

Martha Lorena Gutierrez, 23, Finland Helsinki East, Nicaragua 1991

Oscar Zapata, 20, Peru Lima East, Piura, Peru 1991

Gale Stanley Critchfield, 20, Ireland Dublin, Payson, UT 1990

Manuel Antonio Hidalgo, 22, Peru Lima East, Arequipa, Peru 1990

Christian Andreani Ugarte, 21, Peru Lima East, Trujillo, Peru 1990

Ronald Jamon Eastland, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Syracuse, UT 1989

Jeffrey Brent Ball, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Wanship, UT 1989

Todd Ray Wilson, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Wellington, UT 1989

Adam Richard Koontz, 19, Portugal Porto, Upland, CA 1988

Ronald Brent Jack, 21, Portugal Porto, Kirtland, NM 1988

Gayle H. Thurman, California Carlsbad, Highland, UT

Richard Keith Black, 19, South Africa Cape Town, Murray, UT

Steven Chad Fairbanks, Germany Dusseldorf, Highland, UT

Bill Rawson Hardy, 19, Michigan Lansing, Mesa, AZ 1988

Todd Larry Walker, 19, Michigan Lansing, Highland, UT 1988

Lee Roberts, 20, Michigan Lansing, South Jordan, UT 1988

Matthew Erin Elwood, 22, Brazil Brasilia, Salt Lake City, UT 1987

Harlan Wallace Clark, 73, South Africa Johannesburg 1987

Roger Todd Hunt, 19, Portugal Lisbon, Las Vegas, NV 1987

Con Barlow Fox, 19, Australia Brisbane, Bountiful, 1987

Joann Wilson, 54, Austria Vienna, Orem, UT 1986

Bruce Drennan, 20, Bolivia La Paz, 1984

Kevin Bons, 20, Bolivia La Paz, 1984

Chad Blaine Williams, 20, Oregon Portland, Bountiful, UT 1982

Ralph Thales Howe, 20, Missouri Independence, Pleasant Grove, UT

Aldemar Gutierrez, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Santa Cruz, Bolivia 1982

Matthew Erin Elwood, 21, Brazil Brasilia, Salt Lake City, UT

Yunette Harris, Argentina, Memphis, TN

Gabriela Cristina Nieva, Argentina, Godoy Cruz, Argentina

Jeffrey Brent Ball, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Wanship, UT

Todd Ray Wilson, 20, Bolivia La Paz, Wellington, UT

Linda Jackson, 57, Armenia, Oak City, UT

Brian Michael Miller, 20, Connecticut Hartford, Rexburg, ID

Roger Todd Hunt, 19, Portugal Lisbon, Las Vegas, NV

Jared Marvin Prescott, 20, Mascarene Islands, Centerville, UT

Alan Knight, 20, Texas Houston, Bountiful, UT

Matthew Brown, 19, Nebraska Omaha, Twin Falls, ID

Christopher Phillips, 19, Nebraska Omaha, Salem, OR

Joseph Israel Bookstaber, 19, Thailand Bangkok, Short Hills, N.J

Noel Andre De Waal, 20, South Africa Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa 1980

Jonathan Guy Twitchell, 20, South Africa Johannesburg, Payson, UT 1980

David S. Kalt, 21, Germany Frankfurt, Provo, UT 1980

Phyllis Lissian (Goad) Hatch, England Bristol Mission, Cardston 1980

Boyd Bateman, 20, Texas Dallas, Idaho Falls, ID 1980

Darrell Maddox, 21, England Blackburn, American Fork, UT

Gary Apgood, 26, England Blackburn, San Jose, CA

Elizabeth L Webb King, 66, South Carolina Charleston, Kaysville, UT 1979

Jane Elizabeth Ruth Cannell Teuscher, 65, South Carolina Charleston, Fish Haven, ID 1979

Kevin Stewart Cook, 19, California Ventura, Bountiful, UT 1979

Duane Aycock, 19, England Bristol, Mesa, AZ 1979

Cory Dean Watts, 19, California Anaheim, Salt Lake City, UT 1979
Senitelela Cindy Tonga, 23, Missouri Independence, Millbrae, CA

Jan Andersen, 21, Florida Tampa, Salt Lake City, UT 1979

Venna Elizabeth Tolman Hess, 72, Missouri Independence, Las, Vegas, NV

Mark Walter Brand, 21, Florida Tallahassee, Fruit Heights, UT 1979

Jesse Nephi Durette, 25, Florida Tallahassee, Portland, OR 1978

Scott Carter, 21, Bountiful, UT 1978

Wallace Barney Tolman, 20, Indiana Indianapolis, Camarillo, CA 1978

Robert Jay Mathews, 19, Indiana Indianapolis, Salt Lake City, UT 1976

Wesley Brian Johnson, 20, Germany Hamburg, Preston, ID 1976

David Patten Kimball IV, Uruguay Montevideo, Scottsdale, AZ 1974

Kent McMullan,

David William Grow, 20, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, UT 1974

Leonard Charles Martin, 20, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, UT 1974

*Valoy Dee Twitchell, (19), Australia Brisbane, Payson, UT 1974

Jeffrey Walter Buehner, 20, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Phoenix, AZ 1974

Mark J. Fischer, 19, Texas Austin, Milwaukee, MI 1974

Gary Smith Darley, 20, Texas Austin, Simi Valley, CA 1974

Garth Pierce, 20, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1974

Donald R. LaBeau, 19, Oklahoma Oklahoma City, Yakima, WA 1973

Smith, Argentina, Long Beach, CA, 1970

Garcés, Argentina South, 1971

Gregory Scott McFarland, 19, Alaskan-Canadian, Salt Lake City, UT 1970

James Blauer Bangerter, 19, Peru Lima, Provo, UT

Richard Heath-Hall, 20, Scotland Edinburgh, England 1970

Leon Julius Viehweg, 19, Scotland Edinburgh, Soda Springs, ID 1970

Phillip Terry Styler, 22, Andes, Sacramento, CA 1963

*Rebecca Ann Reeve, (22), Western States, Salt Lake City, UT 1962

Howard Williams, (20), Mexico Mexico City, Salt Lake City, UT 1961

Alfred Bauer, 68, California Los Angeles, Charlo, MT 1956

Quist, Argentina Buenos Aires, Pocatello, ID 1952

LeRoy Tripp, France Paris, 1908

Walter Phillips, Hawaii, 1901

Ethel Lowry Reid, Netherlands, 1899

Samuel Thomas Clark, Great Britain, 1899

Thomas H. Bell, Southern States, 1899

John Woolfe Isom, Southern States, 1899

Joseph Hogan Jr, Netherlands, 1899

Hirum Rosewald Hamson, Eastern States, 1899

Lewis Albert Warren, Southern States, 1899

Albert Peterson, Scandinavia, 1898

David M. Muir, Great Britain, 1898

H.C. Holley, Western States, 1898

Isaac Edinborough, Great Britain, 1898

Hyrum Maughn, Northern States, 1898

Ole Christian Jensen, Scandinavia, 1898

Godfred Alder, Germany, 1898

Joseph Henry Jenson, Scandinavia, 1898

William Francis Butt, Scandinavia, 1898

Neils Christian Heselt, Colorado, 1898

Jacob Bushman, Southern States, Escalante, UT 1897

Andrew Bjorkman, Scandinavia, 1896

Joseph Alma Ott, Switzerland/Germany, 1896

Daniel Stewart Jones, Southern States, 1895

Charles Scott Hall, Southern States, 1895

Ella Adelia Moody, Samoa, 1895

John Alexander Clark, 25, Turkey Istanbul, Minersville, UT 1895

Hyrum Carter, Southern States, 1894

Ransom Marion Stevens, Samoa, 1894

Walter H. Barton, Southern States, 1894

Pher A. Bjorklund, Scandinavia, 1892

David Hoagland Cannon, Germany, Salt Lake City, UT 1892

Adolph Haag, Turkey, Payson, UT 1892

Lorenzo W. Roundy, Southern States, 1892

Otto Lyman Chipman, New Zealand, American Fork, UT 1892

Thomas Butler, Southern States, Richfield, UT 1892

Katie Eliza Hale Merrill, Samoa Upolu, Smithfield, UT 1891

Willard Henry Halliday, North Carolina, Pleasant Grove, UT 1890

John Anderson Quist, Sweden, Big Cottonwood, UT 1890

Edgar Dilworth Simmons, Syria, Salt Lake City, UT 1890

Andrew K. Anderson, Denmark, Salt Lake City, UT 1890

John Powell, 1890

Washington N. Cook, Cherokee Nation, Salt Lake City, UT 1889

John A Richards, Cherokee Nation, Cache County, UT 1889

Sylvester Daniel Collett, Mexico, Salt Lake City, UT 1889

Edmund Zebulon Taylor, Southern States, Harmony, UT 1888

Vincent McKay Pugmire, Southern States, St. Charles, ID 1888

Alma Pascal Richards, Southern States, Morgan, UT 1888

Richard Thornton Booth Jr, Northwestern States, 1887

John Bullock, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1887

Brigham Willard Young, New Zealand, Salt Lake City, UT 1887

Jesper Peterson, Denmark, Castledale, UT 1887

Jeremiah Heber Kimball, Germany, Salt Lake City, UT 1887

John Henry Gibbs, Southern States, Paradise, UT 1884

William S. Berry, Southern States, Kanarra, UT 1884

Charles E. Robison, Southern States, Montpelier, ID 1883

Shadrach Jones, Wales, Willard, UT 1883

Nathaniel Ashby, Hawaiian Islands, 1882

William H. Butler, Great Britain, 1882

Feramorz Little Young, Mexico, Salt Lake City, UT 1881

Niels Wilhelmsen, Denmark Copenhagen, St. Charles, ID 1881

Gustaf Peterson, Denmark Copenhagen, Salt Lake City, UT 1881

Joseph Standing, 25, Southern States, Salt Lake City, UT 1879

Joseph E. Hyde, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1878

Edwin W. Street, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1878

James Lisonbee, US, 1877

John Hubbard, Wichata Reservation, Willard, UT 1877

Lorenzo W. Roundy, Lee’s Ferry, Salt Lake City, UT 1876

Thomas Hunter, Scotland, 1876

Francis A. Hammond Jr, Arizona, 1876

Dianah Camp, Texas, 1876

Haden W. Church, Tennessee Memphis, Salt Lake City, UT 1875

Caleb W. Haws, England Barusely, Provo, UT 1871

Caleb Parry, England Birmingham, Salt Lake City, UT 1871

Moroni Bigelow, US, 1870

Albert Merrill Jr, US, 1870

John Mace, England Leeds, Salt Lake City, UT 1869

Robert C. Sharkey, Southern States, 1869

James Ezra Clark, 22, England London, Farmington, UT 1868

Anson Vasco Call, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1867

Brigham Willard Kimball, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1867

Abel Evans, Wales, Salt Lake City, UT 1866

Collins Moore Gillett, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1866

Peter Horrocks, Europe, 1866

George Simms, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1865

Jesse Yelton Cherry, England Nottingham, Centerville, UT 1865

Martin Wood, England, 1864

John Moburn Kay, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1864

Joseph Greenwood, Missouri, Salt Lake City, UT 1864

Thomas Atkinson, Sandwich Islands, Salt Lake City, UT 1863

Hiram Kimball, Sandwich Islands, Salt Lake City, UT 1863

Joseph Siney, Great Britain, 1861

George A. Smith, Jr., Moquis Indian Nation, Salt Lake City, UT 1860

Washington N. Cook, Indian Territory, 1858

Samuel Francis Neslen, England London, Salt Lake City, UT 1858

Parley Parker Pratt, 50, Southern States, Salt Lake City, UT 1857

Robert W. Wolcott, England Northampton, Salt Lake City, UT 1856

George Peden Waugh, Great Britain, 1856

Robert C. Petty, Indian Territory, Salt Lake City, UT1856

Orson Spencer, Cherokee Nation, Salt Lake City, UT 1855

Jane Amanda Lewis, Sandwich Islands, 1855

John Parry, Great Britain, 1855

Jacob F. Secrist, European Mission, Salt Lake City, UT 1855

Andrew L. Lamoreaux, France Paris, Salt Lake City, UT 1855

James F. Bell, Malta, 1855

Sister James F. Bell, Malta, 1855

Albert Gregory, Central States, Salt Lake City, UT 1855

Lemon Bronson, Michigan, 1855

William W. Major, Great Britain, 1854

Alondus LaFayette Buckland, Nova Scotia, 1854

Levi Stillman Nickerson, England, 1853

John Hyde, Australia Sydney, Salt Lake City, UT 1853

Willard Snow, Denmark Copenhagen, Salt Lake City, UT 1853

Jane Amanda Stevens Lewis, Sandwich Islands, Salt Lake City, UT 1851

William Burton, Scotland Edinburgh, Salt Lake City, UT 1851

James Henry Flanigan, England Birmingham, Winter Quarters, NE 1851

George W. Langley, England, 1851

Elijah Malin, Pennsylvania, Winter Quarters, NE 1849

Mephibosheth Sirrine, England, 1848

Alvah Lewis Tippetts, 38, Eastern States, Winter Quarters, NE, 1847

Thomas Ward, 1847

Peter Melling, Indiana, 1844

Phelps, Joshua R.G., New York, 1844

Knowlton F. Hanks, Pacific Islands, Nauvoo, IL 1843

James Burnham, Eastern States, 1843

Lorenzo D. Barnes, England Bradford, Salt Lake City, UT 1843

Alpheus Harmon, Illinois, 1842

George Washington Gee, Pennsylvannia, 1842

John Herrit, Eastern States, 1840

Joseph B. Brackenbury, New York, 1832

*Severely injured on mission and still with us

"Since the day of the Prophet Joseph Smith, we've had approximately 447,969 missionaries serve in the world," Elder M. Russell Ballard said in 1989. "Of those 447,969, (some) 525 have lost their lives while serving as full-time missionaries," he added. "When you contemplate that number, it appears that the safest place in the whole world is to be on a full-time mission," concluded the member of the Twelve.


Now, I also found another site that lists quite a few of the missionaries and the cause of their death and where they were from. I just thought that this information should also be included in this Memoriam. This list is in no particular order by year or anything and also includes some missionaries that actually lived through their ordeal, such as being kidnapped, etc. I just strongly felt that people should know what these young men and women have suffered through and go through today, as we speak.

Category Where When Who Hometown What happened Source

accident Abidjan, Ivory Coast 12-May-98 Renee Anderson Salt Lake City, Utah
killed in single car accident Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Abidjan, Ivory Coast 26-May-98 Carlotte Dirae Lofgreen Orem, Utah died two weeks later as result of above accident Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Argentina unknown female missionary suffocated by carbon monoxide from faulty heater personal correspondence

accident Argentina unknown female missionary suffocated by carbon monoxide from faulty heater personal correspondence

accident Brazil 19-Jun-99 Dielson Gomes Dos Santos Caico, Brazil died in car accident; companion injured LDS Gems archive

accident Canary Islands 20-Jan-99 Jaarl Michale Papenfuss Fountain Green, Utah swept out to sea by large wave and drowned post to

accident Canary Islands 20-Jan-99 Joshua Matthew Prymak Montclair, Virginia swept out to sea by large wave and drowned post to

accident Capetown, South Africa 24-Jul-99 Richard Keith Black Murray, Utah hit and killed by a car while riding his bike Salt Lake Tribune 7/26/99

accident Colorado 1983 male missionary hit and killed by a car while riding his bike personal correspondence

accident Connecticut 15-Mar-96 Brian Michale Miller Rexburg, Idaho killed by hit and run driver while walking down highway Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Ecuador 4-Aug-98 Eslantina Bravo Pico died in earthquake Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Osceola, Iowa 28-Jan-00 Jaysen Ray Christiansen Harrisville, Utah killed in auto accident Deseret News 1/29/00

accident Osceola, Iowa 28-Jan-00 Jared Mont Pulham Alpine, Utah killed in auto accident Deseret News 1/29/00

accident Osceola, Iowa 28-Jan-00 Bradley Alan Savage Lehi, Utah killed in auto accident Deseret News 1/29/00

accident Osceola, Iowa 28-Jan-00 Daniel Byrne Roundy Kaysville, Utah killed in auto accident Deseret News 1/29/00

accident Southern Hemisphere 1985 male missionary dove into pool, broke neck; paralyzed personal correspondence

accident Tallahassee, Florida 27-Mar-98 Kenton Martin South Jordan, Utah killed by truck while waiting at intersection Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Thailand 8-Nov-97 Joseph Bookstaber New Jersey killed by truck Deseret News 10/18/98

accident USA 1975 male missionary suffocated by carbon monoxide from broken pipe personal correspondence

accident USA 1975 male missionary suffocated by carbon monoxide from broken pipe personal correspondence

accident Villa Angela, Argentina Apr-00 Eric Robert Driggs Mesa, Arizona killed in auto accident Deseret News 4/10/00

accident Villa Angela, Argentina Apr-00 Jordan Lee Call Logan, Utah severely injured in auto accident Deseret News 4/10/00

accident Yerevan, Armenia 1-Aug-97 Linda Randle Jackson Oak City, Utah died in hit and run accident Deseret News 10/18/98

accident Provo, Utah 9-Jun-00 Wen Ping Shi Fujin, China killed on freeway on-ramp while apparently leaving MTC Deseret News 6/9/00

kidnapping Guatemala Jun-98 Barbara and Anita Stolfus kidnapped, rescued by police Deseret News 6/30/98

kidnapping Guatemala Jun-98 Otto and Jane Glick kidnapped, rescued by police Deseret News 6/30/98

kidnapping Nicaragua 1979 Terry Lee Benton Simi Valley, California kidnapped by Sandinistas, held at gunpoint 2 hrs, released personal knowledge

kidnapping Nicaragua 1979 male missionary kidnapped by Sandinistas, held at gunpoint 2 hrs, released personal knowledge

kidnapping Pittsburgh, PA 1990 male missionary kidnapped, held 3 days, abused; sent home w/ pysch prob personal correspondence

kidnapping Saratov, Russia Mar-98 Andrew Lee Probst Lebanon, Oregon kidnapped, held for 5 days and released Deseret News 8/25/98

kidnapping Saratov, Russia Mar-98 Travis Robert Tuttle Gilbert, Arizona kidnapped, held for 5 days and released Deseret News 8/25/98

violence Argentina Apr-97 Orin Voorheis critically wounding in shooting; brain damaged Deseret News 10/18/98

violence Bolivia 25-May-89 Jeffrey Brent Ball Wanship, Utah shot and killed by left-wing terrorist group Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Bolivia 25-May-89 Todd Ray Wilson Wellington, Utah shot and killed by left-wing terrorist group Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Buenos Aires, Argentina Oct-97 Daniel Lawson shot in face during robbery attempt; survived Deseret News 10/18/98

violence Cordoba, Argentina 8-Jun-05 Bradley Hall Rexburg, Idaho shot by burglars; temporarily paralyzed; survived personal correspondence

violence Dominican Republic 27-Dec-89 David Hadley Read San Francisco, California shot in leg by two men on a motorcycle; survived Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Dublin, Ireland May-90 Gale Stanley Critchfield Payson, Utah stabbed to death Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Ivory Coast, West Africa 24-Apr-99 Jonathan Philip Barrett Morgan, Utah stabbed to death while walking to appointment Deseret News 4/25/99

violence Lima, Peru 6-Mar-91 Oscar Zapata Piura, Peru shot and killed after getting off a bus Deseret News 10/18/98

violence Lisbon, Portugal Feb-87 Roger Todd Hunt Las Vegas, Nevada shot and killed by a security guard in a mistake Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Peru Aug-90 Manuel Antonio Hidalgo Peru shot and killed on way to visit church members Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Peru Aug-90 Christian Andreani Ugarte Peru shot and killed on way to visit church members Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence South Carolina Dec-79 female missionary Utah sexually assaulted and murdered Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence South Carolina Dec-79 female missionary Idaho sexually assaulted and murdered Salt Lake Tribune 4/7/91

violence Texas 28-Oct-74 Gary Darley Simi Valley, California murdered and dismembered by investigator Sunstone, personal knowledge

violence Texas 28-Oct-74 Mark Fischer murdered and dismembered by investigator Sunstone, personal knowledge

violence Ufa, Russia 18-Oct-98 Jose Manual Mackintosh Hiko, Nevada stabbed to death when leaving LDS family residence Salt Lake Tribune 10/18/98

violence Ufa, Russia 18-Oct-98 Bradley Alan Borden Mesa, Arizona wounded in above attack Salt Lake Tribune 10/18/98

violence Utah 1991 female missionary raped Salt Lake Tribune 05/12/99

I don't believe, through my own personal experience and the experiences of many Friends and Family members, that the Mormon Church, being the massive multi-billion dollar corporation that they are, spends enough money in protecting the Mormon Missionaries from harm; especially when it comes to bad water and bad food. In fact, it isn't even close!!

There are places in this world and in many countries, where Mormon Missionaries should never be sent, period!! I wish the Church would report monthly, how many missionaries are physically hurt or sick with intestinal worms, etc. I read one report the other day that in Bolivia, up to 60% of the mission, meaning around 100 missionaries are too sick to work, at any given time. Now that is just sad.

That doesn't even count the ones that go out working everyday that are too sick to be out there but feel guilted, pressured and obligated to do it. I understand how that is, because I did it many times. Sometimes, you are walking to a discussion appointment and throwing up along the way. It becomes so normal, that you don't think anything of it after a while. I used to leave with cramps, a fever, etc. After all, I had to do the Lords' work, right? I also didn't want my companion ratting me out to the President, Assistants, Zones Leaders, etc, that I was lazy and didn't want to work. Isn't that sad? I should have been in bed, getting better!!

In Hinckley's latest book, there are several disgusting talks that he gave to missionaries, while in their missions around the world and in the MTCS, where he just rips on sick missionaries, saying that a sick missionary "is a an imposition to his companion", because the work all has to come to a halt and they can no longer find God's anointed. Again, the work is more important than the missionaries.

He then basically blames the missionary for being sick and says that if he takes proper care of himself and obeys the rules, that God will bless him with health and strength. So basically, any missionary that gets sick, only has himself to blame. Isn't that great? He also goes on and on in one talk, saying 3 times in a row, "missionaries are so careless." Now that's a man full of love and compassion, isn't it?

Well, what the hell does this dumb ass, old geezer, with no wisdom or common sense, expect out of 19 year old kids that are still wet behind the ears, especially the naive kids from Utah? He wants 19 year old kids, barely out of high school, in most cases, very sheltered,(living in "THE VILLAGE") to act like life experienced, mature 35 year old men and it just ain't gonna happen folks. They say that you leave a Boy and come back a man, right? Well, if that's the case, then every 2 years, we have around 50,000 boys and girls out there, not men and women.

Now, let me share with everyone another one of my many mission experiences. This should help some of you out there to see how, "following the rules", supposedly "inspired wisdom", can make you sick and maybe even kill you. In my mission in Argentina, the water was horrible and full of parasites. As I reflect back, to the soups, the ice, the bread, the stews and everything that had that parasite infested water in it, it's no wonder why I was so damn sick, so many times, along with every other missionary I knew.(Except those living high on the hog in the Mission home.)

Anyway, at one point, we were told that it was okay to drink the water(it wasn't) and then we were told that it wasn't okay(The Mormon God changing his mind again) and to only drink bottled water and specific brands, as they were the best and safest. So for well over a year, I and most of the other missionaries, bought and drank this "safe bottled water." I was still sick all the time, had the runs, terrible stomach cramps, throwing up, off an on, etc. So, one day, we were in a members home, where they received their TV news from the Capital, Buenos Aires, where the water was bottled and guess what?

It turned out that for the last 2 years or so, the water bottling plant, that bottled THE EXACT WATER, that the President was INSPIRED to tell us to drink, had been putting out contaminated water, ALL OF IT!! Guess what it was contaminated with? How about RAW SEWAGE!! Isn't it just wonderful?!! Yeah, just wonderful!! So, you see, dumb ass Hinckley, in this particular case, obeying the "inspired rules", just made us sicker and it wasn't our fault, was it?

Hinckley is such an arrogant man and the Church always wants to blame the poor missionaries and their unworthiness. I've been home for over a decade now and I've had stomach problems off and on and have never been the same. I've had to watch what I eat and be careful. Before infesting my body with parasites for 2 years, I had never had any type of stomach problems. I guess it was my fault, right? Well, it is if you ask the Mormon Cult Prophet of fraud!!

Sure, we took parasite medicine every 2-3 months, but does that change the fact that we had the parasites in our body for a month or two or three and that they had already done their damage? Does the Mormon Hierarchy care? Of course they don't, that's why they stay in five star hotels and eat only the finest cuisine wherever they go. They don't want to get sick like us. Does anybody know or even care, what type of permanent damage is done by having these parasites in our bodies for basically 2 years?

So, we show up to their "one man show conferences", sometimes, sicker than dogs, puking on the way, with fevers, and all they can do is rip on us, cut us down, etc, for not working hard enough, or enough hours and not producing enough numbers, mainly baptisms. I had the unfortunate bad luck of meeting 3 Mormon General Authorities while on my mission and not once did they ask me how I was physically, mentally, or emotionally. They didn't give a shit about me, just my baptisms, my zone's baptisms, etc.

One month, as a Zone Leader, nearly everyone in our zone was sick and our baptisms, along with discussions, working hours, etc, went way down, predictably and oh man, did we get our heads ripped off. We also got a very special visit and work session with the ass-istants, sent specially by the Mission President himself. They wanted to know the "REAL" reason that our numbers were down and accused us of not obeying the rules, therefore causing God to withdraw his spirit and blessing from us. They want to know how we felt, knowing that our lack of obedience was making the rest of the zone suffer? Can you believe that shit?

Now, I'll be the first to admit that missionaries driving skills are horrendous in general and it's really a miracle that more missionaries aren't killed on a daily basis, all around the world from their high speed and reckless driving. I have several friends that were in fairly bad car accidents, two in rollovers, but they survived, thankfully, due to wearing their seat belts.

Also, in all 3 cases, the accident was indeed caused by the missionary driving, a couple were even my friends. There were several accidents in my mission too, all caused by the missionaries. It's not like 19 year old kids, are going to be automatically good drivers.

The Church should put them all through drivers safety courses in the MTC or in the mission when they arrive, but that would cost more time and money and the Church doesn't give a damn about missionary safety, especially if it would take more of their precious time away, that could be spent looking for those "Elect of God."

Anyway, please everyone, as you read the names of the missionaries above and their information, if anything is wrong, send me an Email, so that I can correct it. Also, if there is someone missing from the list and you have the details, please let me know, so that I can add them to the list and honor them in their sacrifice that they gave. Even though I now don't agree with what missionaries are doing, I was once a missionary and believed that what I was doing, was ordained of Jesus Christ himself, just like these missionaries believed.

My belief that what they are doing is wrong, in no way, takes away from the fact that they payed the ultimate price and sacrificed their lives and are now gone, leaving their friends and family to suffer and try to move forward the best way they know how. I could have very easily been on that list above and for some unknown reason or just plain luck, I'm still here and grateful everyday for my life, especially now, knowing the truth that I know.

My heart truly aches for those that have lost their Son's, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews and friends. May they be blessed with peace and the ability to move forward, but at the same time, never forgetting their loved one.

I sincerely wish all of you the very best and may God bless all of you!!

Samuel the Utahnite

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At Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is interesting that those dissatisfied with the church feel it their mission to castigate the church,often using foul language and wrapping themselves in the "mormon" venacular. My advice-get a life and move on.

At Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:20:00 PM, Blogger Samuel the Utahnite said...

Stan, you are aware that the Mormon Hierarchy, that you love so much and worship, has never, ever done any type of Missionary Memoriam, for those missionaries that paid the ultimate price for their Joe Smith? They build malls, luxury resorts, office buildings and visitor centers for Hinckley, but nothing for their deceased missionaries.

So, you're welcome!! It's pretty sad and outright embarrassing, when the largest, most complete/current missionary memoriam, comes from an ex-Mormon, isn't it? Tell your boys to get on the ball and do the right thing and build a monument or memorial to these young men, women and their families, as a thanks for dying for their cause. Oh, I guess that wouldn't be considered "faith promoting" now, would it?

Someday, when I have enough funds to do it, I will build it, with all of their names and that will be a highly public, but embarrassing event for the Mormon Hierarchy, won't it? Imagine how grateful their families and friends will be.

Like Ballard clearly said in January of this year, after 5 deaths in just over a month:

"This work will continue to go forward regardless of what happens, regardless of what the future may hold. If there are other missionaries that are hurt or other missionaries that are killed, it will not stop this work. Joseph Smith made that abundantly clear that there would be nothing that would stop this work from rolling forward till the Great Jehovah comes forward and says the work is done. And He hasn't said that yet.

Audio Link

Text Link

Now explain to me Stan, how these comments are loving, caring and compassionate, to those that just lost their son or daughter? What is your defense, as I look forward to it, if you even have one. Why haven't they ever done a memoriam for these young men and women? How many new Churches do they build every year?

Before you criticize me, you may want to take a good hard look at your Hierarchy(the big 15), who do nothing to honor these young men and women. It is disgraceful and your lack of compassion is equally disgraceful!!

Also, I admit, I did use Shit twice and ass twice, along with damn twice, so I guess that makes the other 5,832 words incomprehensible for you, which is sad.

I guess the names of all the missionaries meant nothing to you, or the effort I've made to honor them, or so it appears. I'm so glad that I don't live in your ultra-sensitive, so easily offended shell of a world. You'd better not go out in public, go to the movies or watch TV, because you'll hear much worse than that on a regular basis and it might shatter your reality, into a thousand pieces.

Then again, when the Mormon Church's malls are completed, you can just go get drunk in their restaurants, right across from temple square. Now, that's some irony, isn't it? What's more offensive, my 6 swear words or the Mormon Church serving alcohol in their new malls, while condemning it from the pulpit?

***It's Official, The Mormons Will Serve Alcohol In "Their" Mall!!***Checkmate!!

Good luck and I hope that you can discover or comprehend the truth someday.


At Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be surprised if this comment actually appears on this web site, but here goes.

I'm Bradley Hall, and I'm in your list of missionaries who have been killed or hurt on their missions. (1986) The entry here, and on other web sites, from where this list was evidently copied, has my incident listed as "shot by burglars; temporarily paralyzed; survived."

Let me make it clear that my paralysis is permanent, and the rumor circulating that it was only temporary has always been a mystery to me.

However, saying that the General Authorities don't care and that there's no publicity when something like this happens is utterly untrue -- certainly in my case. I understand from talking to my family and lots of other people that my story was on the news throughout Utah and Idaho. An article on the incident was printed in the Church News, and a short paragraph appeared in the Ensign. It was also covered by lots of newspapers, including the Deseret News, Salt Lake Tribune, and BYU's student newspaper (which REALLY shook up my former companions and fellow MAC missionaries.)

I also can't count the number of visits that I received from General Authorities while I was in rehab at the U of U medical center. At least a dozen members of the 70 dropped by, and there were a lot fewer of them back then. Boyd K. Packer and Dallin H. Oaks dropped by one day (I kept them waiting 20 minutes because I was downstairs playing computer games! OOPS!) Then Elder Oaks started visiting me on a regular basis, took me to a fireside at the tabernacle where he was the featured speaker, had me over to his house for dinner, and has continued to show interest in my life ever since. His now deceased wife even set my unmarried brother up with some single girls she knew!

But M. Russell Ballard was the real hero. He was in Argentina when I was shot for the annual visit with the South America South Presideing Bishopric's office. He had a full schedule for days, since it was the only time an apostle was scheduled to visit during the entire year.

After hearing what happened to me, he asked what he should do in his nightly prayers, and was told to drop ALL his meetings, which couldn't be rescheduled due to time constraints, and fly to Cordoba a soon as possible to see me and determine what help I needed.

As for my condition at the time, I'd been shot by a group of burglars who were TARGETING missionaries, based on the fact that they made 5 attempts to rob us before we confronted them face to face in the act inside our apartment. I was shot while subduing one of them, my companion was shot at and would have been killed except the bullet hit the end table he was attempting to use as a weapon, which was no wider than a baseball bat. (Yeah, we were stupid not to anticipate the burglars might have guns, and we certainly weren't black belts...)

I was hit by a .30 caliber bullet at the T10 vertebrae, which paralyzed me instantly. The pain was indescribable, and although it has faded over the years, I still hurt every second of every day, but I've taught myself to ignore that pain as much as possible. 10 years later I developed cysts around the wound in my spinal cord, which left me in debilitating chronic pain which I can't ignore. A nasty double whammy, but it didn't affect my testimony. Back to my story...

When Elder Ballard arrived, I was running a severe fever, and NO arrangements had been made to get me out of the country, nearly two weeks after I'd been shot. After giving me a blessing in which he assured me I'd make it back to the states ok, he started kicking tails until arrangements were made and I was flown back to the states two days later. My fever an nausea faded just long enough for me to make the trip. When I arrived at the U of U, they analyzed my condition and told me it was quite likely that I'd have died from my fever/infection within another week. So please understand this fact: I'D BE DEAD IF ELDER BALLARD HADN'T DROPPED EVERYTHING AND SET THINGS IN MOTION TO GET ME OUT OF ARGENTINA AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! Does that sound like the apostles don't care?? I owe them my life!

Elder Ballard has stayed in close touch over the years, and scolded me for not telling him when I was hospitalized for a bedsore a couple of years later when he came to visit me. When my dad was set apart as a mission president, the task was reassigned as part of a pile of similar ones to Elder Ballard at the last minute. I don't believe it was a coincidence, and it was a very sweet experience to have my entire family in his office as we discussed my story, his role in it, and how he'd helped our entire family through the crisis.

Elder Oaks kept me apprised of all the other missionaries who were injured or killed during the months I was in the hospital, and the pain he felt at their sacrifice was real and deeply personal. As we set out for his house for dinner, he inquired at the front desk of the hospital if the page for Mormon elders to visit a certain room had been answered, and when it hadn't, he and I went instead of the Elders who were supposed to be on call. When the grandmother whose husband lay sick in bed with a staph infection saw who had answered her request for a blessing for her husband, she burst into tears. She later sent a very kind letter of appreciation, and yes, her husband did get better. (Although it was funny that I had my consecrated oil on me and Elder Oaks didn't!)

Pres. Benson regularly asked how I was doing during their weekly meetings, although his health didn't allow him to visit me.

I've kept my testimony throughout this whole experience. Keep in mind, I was every bit as sick as you during my mission -- in fact I was violently ill with a nasty intestinal parasite for every day for the last 7 months of my mission. The U of U had to use their latest medication to kill it, since it was a superbug immune to all the usual treatments, and it took two weeks on an I.V. drip to kill the thing. To add insult to injury, I served during the period that Elders were called for 18 months, then the term was extended to 24, and if I'd just gone home when I was scheduled to, I'd be walking and pain free today.
But those facts DID NOT cost me my testimony! It was my choice to stay longer, and we were free to go home any second after our 18 months were up -- and we could change our minds and leave with just a phone call to the mission home, which a couple of people did.

I went through almost everything you did. They warned us to be careful about drinking the water, but when the members offer to feed you, it's awfully rude to refuse, and that's how I got really sick.

I had plenty of days before that where the heat or San Martin's revenge kept me from being able to work. Sure I felt guilty, but nobody ever hounded me for those days I couldn't get out and work. During those last 7 months I was a zone leader, and I learned to get out and do my job despite how bad I felt, because the zone needed me. I did quickly figure out where all the members with bathrooms lived for those times when I needed one quickly though!

I won't try to change your mind on how you feel about the church, but the General Authorities care greatly about missionaries who are hurt or killed. In my case lots of them took a personal interest, and still do to this day. You might want to take note of who speaks at the funerals of those missionaries who die during their missions -- there's almost ALWAYS an apostle or a member of the 70 present.

Being paralyzed sucks. Hurting sucks. But I don't blame the church, and I don't blame God, and I don't blame my mission. It happened, and my life was change irrevocably. But life goes on, and I can still be saved wheeling through life rather than walking through it -- although I realize you don't believe that anymore.

Just thought you could benefit from my experience. I hope it helps you realize the General Authorities aren't as heartless as you portray them.

Bradley Hall
Mission Argentina Cordoba

At Friday, October 20, 2006 4:05:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Mr Hall for your testimony. I cant believe i was starting to believe all those lies were true. You are amazing, i look up to you so much. I am 16 and want to go on a mission more than anything and i had almost changed my mind. So thank you. And to all other members out there , please dont believe all these lies. If this guy writing all the lies about our wonderful church really didnt believe and know it is true, why cant he just leave it and move on. Beacuse its true and he knows it.

At Friday, October 20, 2006 5:45:00 AM, Blogger Samuel the Utahnite said...


I haven't had a chance yet to respond to Mr. Hall(and I will Bradley), but if you noticed, I did leave his comment up, never even thought of deleting it, as I don't delete anyone here, unless they are spewing racial hatred or something awful like that. My site is for free speech, for everyone!!

Anon, I'm not sure which lies your were believing to be true, that Mr. Hall helped you to resolve and know that that they are just lies? Could you please be specific and point them out to me?

It is my suggestion, that if you want to go experience a foreign country and want to learn a language, that you just go and do it!! You don't have to be a Mormon missionary to experience such things.

The nice part is, you could find a sponsor to live with and actually be free to experience the country and culture, without the day to day grind and guilt of being a missionary. You won't have to deal with belligerent leaders, that hammer you everyday for more NUMBERS and drop by to make sure you got out of bed on time, etc.

You keep talking about "all of my lies" and telling everyone that "I'm writing lies", etc. Can you please detail these lies. Joseph Smith was a pedophile, married and had sex with girls as young as 14(when he was in his late thirties) and overall, had around 33 wives that are documented. Some suggest as many as 50+. He also married other men's wives and sisters and even Mother's and Daughters.

You think I'm lying? Please allow me to provide a link to a page that will prove it for you, right off of the Mormon Church's official Family History site . Look at Helen Mar Kimball, the 14 year old. Do you support this man, Joseph Smith, who did such awful things?

Read D&C 132, where Joseph Smith claims to have received revelation from Jesus Christ, stating that it's okay to have sex with virgins and that it's not adultery to do so. Even worse, that he, Jesus, will destroy Emma if she doesn't go along with it. It's just awful!! Are you really okay with this?

Just a note, Joseph did this behind Emma's back almost the whole time, until he got caught. Also, Emma never went along with it, never agreed with his horrific adulterous affairs and was NEVER destroyed for it.

Just to be clear; I know without a doubt, that the Mormon church is false, is a fraud, full of corruption and based on lies since 1820, when the First Vision never even happened. Joseph Smith prayed in 1823, to know if there was such thing as a divine being, which was 3 years after he supposedly saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. Why is that? Probably the same reason that he tried to sell the copyright to The book of Mormon; it was all based on fraud and for money, sex and power.

If you don't believe me about these things; go talk to your Bishop. Ask him if Joseph Smith was a polygamist. Show him the Churches website, listing all of his wives.

Show him the journals of the girls like Helen Mar Kimball, who later regretted marrying Joseph, because she didn't realize that it would be a marriage with sex, and not just spiritual. Read about the pain she went through and her Mom, whose heart was broken, when Joseph asked for them to literally give her to him.

Here is another great site to read all about Joseph's many secret, polygamous wives. Most of the info comes from the book, "In Sacred Loneliness", which was written by a current Mormon, who is in good standing with the church. The book is also for sale at Deseret Book.

If you have any other questions, about my complete lies and fabrications, feel free to ask me. The crazy thing is, you'll find out that they aren't lies at all, rather the God's honest truth, supported fully by the "true facts."

There is a reason why an estimated 120,000 people resigned last year from the Mormon church and why the temple President and his wife, in Oklahoma City, just recently resigned both their calling and membership from the church. Why would they do that? Just think about it. Last year, at least 2 Bishops from Montana resigned their membership and it's happening everywhere.

In any case, I wish you the best and I hope that you are interested in knowing the truth and that you can actually live a great life and be a great person, independent of the Mormon cult. It's a Mormon myth, that you have to be a Mormon to be a good person.


At Wednesday, November 01, 2006 4:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Samuel,
It is unfortunate the Spirit has left your life and instead you are filled with hatred and distrust. Satan is now using you as a tool. A big tool. My brother died in 1999 during his mission and Bishop Edgeley flew in personally to preside over the funeral. He also had words of comfort for me and my family. Sure, the Church has a spotted past, just like the ancient church did in Christ's time, and during other times. Now matter what you know or feel about Joseph Smith or the modern prophets (who, by the way are not perfect men), the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Cling to the Book of Mormon and you'll be reconnected to the Spirit, and you might get a second chance to get your life together and rejoin the Church (I'm not sure of your current status). Oh, for the record, I know tremendously giving people (my own in-laws, for example) who are not members. And some of the most selfish people in the world I know are members. Get over yourself and your study of human sociology within the Church and get back to the central doctrines and the Atonement. No other religion offers the insight that we have about Christ's sacrifice. Get back to that central truth and you'll realize no other religion can offer you as much as this Church. If this Church is not true, we're all damned... Good luck man.

At Monday, November 06, 2006 10:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Kristen. I am 17 and have been a member of the church for 5 months. I just love it. It is the best. i just wanted to thank you for your tribute to all those missionaries who died during their mission. You have put in alot of work. But a little advice... alot more people will view this site if there wasnt so must hatred of a religion. Im sorry, i dont mean to be rude, but it is a little upsetting for some people. Take care.

At Friday, November 17, 2006 7:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Mormon too and well I totally think that what Kristin said is true. If you didn't act like you really hated the church alot, people might actually enjoy hearing the opinions of this site. I know that you are an anti- Mormon, but you should really just forget your hatred and leave it all behind you! If you really just did all of this work on this site just to hate the Church even more, then that shows that you must really hate the Mormons and the church. Hatred isn't the opposite of acceptance, ambivalence is. I am not trying to be rude, but you should cut all of these people on Earth some slack. Don't have so much hatred to these believers. Most of us are trying to do the best we can! The Jews and the Arabs fight because of their beliefs, and you should not fight over yours. As they said in General Conference, they leave the church, but they can't leave it alone! Signed, Some one out there.

At Friday, November 17, 2006 7:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Mormon too and well I totally think that what Kristin said is true. If you didn't act like you really hated the church alot, people might actually enjoy hearing the opinions of this site. I know that you are an anti- Mormon, but you should really just forget your hatred and leave it all behind you! If you really just did all of this work on this site just to hate the Church even more, then that shows that you must really hate the Mormons and the church. Hatred isn't the opposite of acceptance, ambivalence is. I am not trying to be rude, but you should cut all of these people on Earth some slack. Don't have so much hatred to these believers. Most of us are trying to do the best we can! The Jews and the Arabs fight because of their beliefs, and you should not fight over yours. As they said in General Conference, they leave the church, but they can't leave it alone! Signed, Some one out there.

At Friday, November 17, 2006 7:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Mormon too and well I totally think that what Kristin said is true. If you didn't act like you really hated the church alot, people might actually enjoy hearing the opinions of this site. I know that you are an anti- Mormon, but you should really just forget your hatred and leave it all behind you! If you really just did all of this work on this site just to hate the Church even more, then that shows that you must really hate the Mormons and the church. Hatred isn't the opposite of acceptance, ambivalence is. I am not trying to be rude, but you should cut all of these people on Earth some slack. Don't have so much hatred to these believers. Most of us are trying to do the best we can! The Jews and the Arabs fight because of their beliefs, and you should not fight over yours. As they said in General Conference, they leave the church, but they can't leave it alone! Signed, Some one out there.

At Friday, November 17, 2006 8:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Mormon too and well I totally think that what Kristin said is true. If you didn't act like you really hated the church alot, people might actually enjoy hearing the opinions of this site. I know that you are an anti- Mormon, but you should really just forget your hatred and leave it all behind you! If you really just did all of this work on this site just to hate the Church even more, then that shows that you must really hate the Mormons and the church. Hatred isn't the opposite of acceptance, ambivalence is. I am not trying to be rude, but you should cut all of these people on Earth some slack. Don't have so much hatred to these believers. Most of us are trying to do the best we can! The Jews and the Arabs fight because of their beliefs, and you should not fight over yours. As they said in General Conference, they leave the church, but they can't leave it alone! Signed, Some one out there.

At Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did the church do to you, Samuel? What ever it was remember that the Church is perfect, but the people in it are not. I know that this is the true church and I truely believe that at one point you did too. Start at the basics again and I encourage you to pray for guidence, acceptance of the gospel principes, and the ability to forgive whoever it was that hurt you. And remember, this blog is only hurting one person, you (and your eternal salvation).

At Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many people have died in service to their countries, religions and etc. Maybe you could start researching all of the those in the military who have given their lives for our freedom. Let's see, that would be millions wouldn't it? The missionaries who died while in the service of their God have their "calling and election made sure" and they did it willingly, just as the service men and women do. I feel so sad for you. What could have happened in your life to cause so much anger and despair? Regardless of whether you embrace the true gospel of Jesus Christ or not, I pray that you can find some inner peace. It must be torture to go through life with so much inner turmoil.
I truly believe that adversity makes us strong and I have had my share. This earth life is a test to see if we can obey no matter how difficult it becomes. But, you probably have already heard that plenty of times.
Thanks for letting me add my opinion. You take care and hopefully you can find some peace!

At Friday, December 29, 2006 11:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother too died while serving a mission in England shortly after I had returned from my mission in the same country. It is painful to me that you list these names to "honor" these fallen missionaries and then disrespect the church and the calling they gave their lives serving. I lend my voice to the others posted here. When my brother died the outpouring of support and love from the leaders of this church was overwhelming. I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be Christ's church restored in our day by the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith.
I appreciate your posting all of these comments. I appreciate that you have given a place for all opinions on this matter to be voiced and I wish you the best in your life.
England Birmingham Mission
Mission Viejo California

At Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think you should tone it down a little. Your obvious anger takes away from the truth that lies behind it. Of course the church is not "true". Any simple study of the history of the church, particularly Joseph Smith, reveals this to all but the most illogical person. Of course, most members don't know the history of the church. One of our friends who is still in the church wouldn't even finish reading Emma Smith: Mormon Enigma, written by MORMON HISTORIANS, because it was upsetting to her and she just wanted to continue believing what she had been taught about Joseph Smith. I think I can understand your anger, as you have been lied to by the highest levels of the church who obviously know the whole thing is a sham - they are too intelligent and have access to too much information not to. And I, never having joined the church but having attended for years with my family, don't have that same anger because I always knew the church's claims were false, even before the evidence was made available to me. How did I know? I prayed after the discussions with the missionaries, and a still small voice told me "This is not the truth". I had never had an experience like that before - a very spiritual experience. I wish you the best, and hope that you can overcome your anger. And to the other respondents, hopefully one day you to will be brave enough to find out the truth about the foundational claims of the church yourselves.

Mission, BC

At Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is an honorable thing to celebrate the lives of those faithful missionaries but you are not doing it for that purpose.
In my opinion what you are saying is false. I was dissapointed that in researching the name of a mission companion who was killed that you were using it to satisfy you're obvious bitterness towards the church! He, I know would not want that, nor would the other faithful missionaries. Whatever your reason for disliking the church can't you think of something else, there are so many more things I'm sure if you look hard enough for them? Please just let the bitterness go and remember the wonderful blessings you have received through your membership in the church. Perhaps you could then run your web site on behalf of the church and if we have neglected this area then you will be doing your bit to ensure we don't? This would then mean you can enjoy once again the blessing of being a member of the Lord's church.

At Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, i think its pretty crazy that you want to "honor" all the missionaries that died while serving and then after listing all their names make fun of what and who they died for... i bet if you were able to someway ask them, Knowing they were going to die on their mission and go through all their trials would they do it over again... i know what their answer would be! You know there are more people out there that are dealing with alot more pain, heartache, trials and suffering than your belly aches that appreciate what they have been given rather than what they haven't... its sad that your waisting away your life dwelling on everything that YOU BELIEVE the church is doing wrong rather than using your time to better yourself in some other way! what a total of around 10 people have read this? I think your really reaching out to people... i hope you can get over your anger and move on with your life! you aren't honoring any of those missionaries! you just made a mochary of what they died for!
-did you forget to respond to bradley halls comment?


At Thursday, March 22, 2007 5:46:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am a family member of one of the missionaries you list. It is so very hard to understand why you would do something like this? You honestly think that they are forgotten? You are completely wrong!!! These wonderful people are remembered everyday by their loved ones left behind. And it is very hard to believe that you yourself can be saying such cruel things, when you yourself "served an honorable mission", if that is the truth, you should understand that what you are "preaching" is wrong, and deep down in your heart you know it! When our missionary was killed, you would not believe the love and support we got from this church. Gordon B. Hinkley himself even came and spoke at his funeral along many other apostles. We still to this day, after 15+ years, receive phone calls and many visits from people he baptized and up until his death, twice a year Elder Neal A Maxwell called our family to keep in touch. I don't know what happened to you or how you were offended, but please as a family member of one of the missionaries listed, it is hard enough to live with the memory each day, but to see this cruel heartless page angers those who suffer with this each day of our lives!

At Monday, August 27, 2007 10:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello I was just browsing the internet and I will be suprised if this lands on your sight.I to am an ex-mormon from the LDS church.I was excomunicated do to I being unfaithful to my spouse (who is not a member of the church).I know how you feel Samuel it all just sounds to good to be true,but you know something I am just a "wait and see" kinda guy.ABSOLUTELY NO ONE REALLY KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT THE LIFE AND TIMES OF CHRIST BECAUSE WE OR THEY WERE NOT THERE!!!!!!!!Nearly EVERYONE has questions about God and Jesus that NO MAN can answer thats just the way it I said its all a WAIT AND SEE game!!!!!

At Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm searching for a friend from Rippon Mddle School, 1982, Woodbridge, VA, who was mormon and had promised his Elder and Bishop he'd do a 3 year stint as a missionary. He (Sean P. Wells) was 14 at the time so I imagine he would have done his missionary work aroudn 1987 (perhaps 86-88) or so. Is there a way of finding him through the church of LDS?
many thanks,
Peace, and Health Care to ALL, Shira

At Thursday, October 25, 2007 12:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Samuel I do not understand how you can say you were a faithful member if it only took you a couple months to lose your faith. I was just looking for some info about my brother who served a mission for our church but died on his mission. My search led me to your link. How dare you disgrace his name and his beliefs by publishing the article about all those who have died serving what they believe in and call it false. Did they die in vain?

At Sunday, November 04, 2007 3:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am physically ill reading your web sight. You know not of what you speak.
I'm sorry for whatever slight you feel you have suffered at the hands of the Church, but believe me you are not the only person who has suffered for God or country, nor will you be the last. Surely you must know from what source you receive the negative and false opinions you have. Who better would Satan benefit from than a dissatisfied member or past member of Christ's Church.
You are woefully wrong to say these missionaries are forgotten by their families and, or the Church leaders. Elder F. Melvin Hammond officiated at my son Ryan Matthew Akers' (whos name appears on your sight) funeral in 1994. We continue to stay in close contact with him and his sweet wife Bonnie. He sealed Ryan's sister Brenna and husband in the Manti Temple in 2003. If our family were never to have a word said by a leader of the Church it wouldn't change our feelings nor our testimony. My son did not serve a mission to receive recognition from his peers. He served to give praise to his God and to bring Glory to the Kingdom of God. He died with his testimony on his lips. You do not do honor or justice to these valiant men and women. Why did you serve? Why are you creating this web site? Who's praise do you seek?
Now, as in ancient times, those who know God and reverence and worship his Son will pray for those who spitefully use and persecute us. My youngest son is prepared to serve and will enter the MTC in Provo November 7, 2007.
If even the very jaws of Hell shall gape wide to devour those who love God, you nor all the demons of Hell cannot stop this great work.
I love my son Ryan Matthew Akers with a love you cannot in your lifetime understand nor grasp. Please do not associate his memory with the evil of which you are holding hands.
Linda Akers, Manti

At Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Samual the Utahnite posts numerous videos on youtube: many of them of Mormons and BYU people that have done stupid things. I'm not sure why he feels compelled to post this information: it only shows his true colours. After reading this posting I have only one solution Sam: he needs to join up with that Church that stands outside and protests during soldiers funerals, except Sam can do it when any Mormon dies.

Sam: I feel sorry that you feel compelled to write and post such material. Do you really know how illogical and hateful you are appearing? I can appreciate you disagree with current/past Mormon leaders and doctrine, but your rhetoric here, and on Youtube, has gone way overboard.

At Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a lot of people are attacking samuel because they say he is full of hate, spiteful, and the sort. But at the end of the day, you can throw out all of the emotion, and you are still left with a Mormon Church that has a lot of historical inaccuracies, inconsistencies and a heck of a lot of bigotry. I don't think just because someone, Sam in this case, knows FACTS about the Mormon Church, means he is spreading evils. Just because many of you want to act like there is nothing wrong, does not change the FACTS. You should read your own material. I dont habor any problems with the Mormon Church, I don't hate them. But they are definitely full of problems in terms of the doctrine, journal of discourses, history of the church volumes, book of mormon and doctrine of covenants. No one, and I mean no one, needs to drum up anything about the Mormon Church. They have it all listed right there in front of you. At their website, books, etcetera. Joseph Smith had a lot of wives, had them in secret, had some under age, as young as 14, Brigham Young has speeches in which he testified to this, Brigham Young also has a lot of baggage, said people of have interacial marriages should be destroyed, preached blood atonement, and the list goes on and on. Doesnt matter if you believe anyone, go read it for yourself. It is what it is. If you cant admit it and still stay Mormon, then you shouldn't be mormon. It's like a Catholic who would deny the Crusuades. It happened, if they can't live with it and still be catholic, they should be catholic then. You can stay mormon, but you should, no, you have an obligation by Jesus, to know the truth. Jesus tells everyone this. So you are kidding yourself if you dont seek the truth. And that doesnt mean avoiding the facts. Look at it and decide if you can live with it. That I can respect. Denying the facts, is something that you will lose all character and respect from those who already know.

At Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:32:00 AM, Blogger anonymous said...

My mom's closest brother died on his mission 30+ years ago. He had about one month left. My mom still misses him terribly, but his death never shook her testimony for a moment. The danger posed to her children serving being very real for my mom, she still encouraged us all to serve, and all but one of us did serve (the one who didn't got married). We know that our uncle was called home because Heavenly Father needed him, and the general authority who spoke at his funeral assured my mother's family that her brother is still a missionary on the other side. In fact, many of us siblings were aware of him attending us at times during our missions.

It does indeed feel a bit insulting to have a site such as this one "honoring" our missionaries who gave their lives for their testimonies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And I couldn't help but sigh relief when I saw that my Uncle (so far) has been spared being listed on your site.

It's amazing to me--how much energy you put into your quest against the church (I've seen your name in many internet places). Certainly you work harder to uproot the church than many faithful members do to strengthen it...but sigh, there must be an opposition in all things, right? ;)

At Monday, August 04, 2008 2:15:00 PM, Blogger veronica said...

I want to thank you for this list and for remembering these young men and women. I am an ex-mormon but my dh isn't and I'm going to share this page with him - I'm sure he will be grateful too. We love having the missionaries over and we've seen a lot of them over the years despite my leaving the church. Personally, I don't understand why the church nor the members seem to want to remember? Seems like members automatically assume this is some sort of testimony destroyer? Ridiculous!
Anyhoo, thank you again.

At Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:59:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


The gospel is amazing! No matter what I do and no matter what you do, the Lord still loves you just as much as he loves me. What a blessing for both of us. To be so utterly unworthy of his love, but to still have it so fully.

May you one day smile again when your Savior holds you in his arms.


At Friday, October 17, 2008 1:58:00 PM, Blogger Gary and Angela said...

I do agree that there should be a memorial. But I also agree that these people that have died are remembered. My aunt died on her mission very unexepectedly of heart failure. My grandma was so pained by her death that I never heard her speak of it EVER. These people are in real pain and I don't think that any of us can really know how they feel. I don't think you have a right to use any of those names without the permission of the families.

At Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:18:00 PM, Blogger Kenneth said...

Michael tried to practice free-agency; that was ill-fated.
October 17, 2005...
My best friend was kidnapped, with full support of the church. He was kidnapped by family and sent to Gaston, Oregon.

He then was forced into LDS social services, in order to conform to the Dogma.

He is forbidden to have any contact with me.

At Thursday, March 19, 2009 7:55:00 PM, Blogger erinnnrose said...

So if you're so against the church then why don't you devote your time and research into finding the true church for you.
I am not a mormon, probably never be one. But I will not go out preaching it is the wrong thing to do. Everyone has a choice. What right do you have to discriminate on it?
If you have such a problem with it then go to a place where you can never find a mormon again because none of us want you here you negative son of a bitch.
My brother is a member and served a mission. I have the greatest respect for him taking the time out of the prime of his life to something he feels so strong on him. Take the missionary deaths off your page, you do not have the priviledge to have those young mens names on your page. They are heroes. And another point I would like to make, they did not die because they went on a mission, most of the death causes on that list could've been caused at home. You're an insecure, lonely man. I'll piss on you from heaven, and all you others who support this disrespectful sight. Use your words elsewhere, they're not wanted here or any other hate you have on any religion.

At Thursday, April 16, 2009 7:26:00 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

I don't know where you did your research, however, you have my grandmother's name listed incorrectly. If you are taking the time to create a blog that is all about exposing Mormonism, and then create a post dedicated to missionaries that have fallen--you should perhaps get the information correct. My grandmother, Jane Ruth Cannell Teuscher, has not been forgotten. I honor her, even though because of a young man, I have never had the opportunity to meet her, I try to do honor her more than you have.

At Sunday, May 24, 2009 3:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this memorial site. An official site sounds like a good idea. I served in Mexico City and Guadalajara, Mexico from 1974-1976 and have had intestinal problems since. We gave ourselves gamma globulin shots.I know in whom I have trusted and I know Jesus Christ will heal me of all my mortal afflictions. I was shot at and had rocks thrown at me.I had to visit Zacatecas, Zacatecas and members there told me that 2 missionaries had been killed there and I was trying to determine if that was true? Cresley Walker

At Tuesday, June 02, 2009 6:15:00 PM, Blogger Brenna Denton said...

Wow, What an incredibly bitter and pathetic person you are, Samuel! My older brother, Ryan Matthew Akers, (whose name is listed on your very disrespectful website) died on his mission in Spain and I can assure you that he has not been forgotten! There is not a single day that my family doesn't think of him, miss him, and yearn to see him again. My oldest son is named after him, and Ryan's death was on our minds when my youngest brother walked away at the MTC to serve his mission. The church leaders did not forget him either. Elder Hammond officiated at my brother's funeral and has stayed in close contact with our family ever since. We have been able to visit him in the church office building, and he sealed my husband and I in the Manti Temple. My parents just called him and asked if he would be able to, and he rearranged his busy schedule and was happy to do so. For your information and that of anyone reading this, there is the Parley P. Pratt Memorial, organized by David Tuttle, who also organizes annual events for the families of those who have lost loved ones serving missions. We have attended some of these activities, and they are truly done with kindness, sincerity of thought and with love. Organizations like David Tuttle's actually honor the missionaries, where what you are doing just shows disrespect. I feel that it would be honorable to those who died or were injured if there were an official memorial for them, but what you are doing is not honoring them. If we were able to ask these missionaries you've listed how they feel about your words, I'm sure they would find it as offensive and dishonorable as I do! I know my brother, who had and still has a firm testimony of the gospel for which he gave his life, would not want his name associated with the evil you are spreading! In fact, I guarantee he would demand that you remove his name. You have no right to use our family member's names without our permission, especially to spread such hatred and evil! These missionaries on your list probably wouldn't care if there was a memorial. They probably understand that the cause they died for is not that of seeking public recognition. They are spiritually mature enough to grasp that concept, which you are obviously not. Sure I get that your stomach still hurts. I'm sure that sucks. Get over it and learn to do something constructive with your time, rather than whining and being destructive of anything worth honoring. My husband and I are also close friends with the twin brother of Gregory Johnson, who is also listed on your website. I'm sure his family would not find honor in what you are doing. Yes, we all miss our family members. We love them and hope to meet them again in the presence of God. Your bitterness and disrespect will not shake our testimonies. We will continue to move forward with our lives with valiant faith, believing that God does love us and all the missionary that died in His service. When the Savior comes again, you will hide your face in shame while those missionaries who died in the service of the God they love will embrace him with TRUE HONOR. They will get their honor, but it will not be by you. You don't have the spiritual ability to give the honor they deserve. I hope that one day you will be able to get past your petty discomforts and somehow find peace to replace your hatred. The world will definitely be a more uplifting place without your hatred seeping through every crack.
Brenna Denton

At Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:58:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Although i think that you are wrong in blaming the church for whatever may have happened to you, i do believe that some good has come from this awful site. i loved reading all of the testimonies, and hearing people defending their religion and beliefs. i also have a testimony and hope that all who read this site will take away only the good that has come from it. i believe that the site owner has no right to list names of men and women who died or got hurt trying to do the Lords work, and then try and proclaim that what they were doing was wrong. Trying to say that they died in vain. You are doing them no honor in preaching the opposite of what they were trying to teach. they extend and offer happiness to others, as you try to shoot them down and tell them that their beliefs are wrong. if you wish to be bitter, fine. but don't try make everyone else bitter as well.

At Friday, December 04, 2009 3:00:00 AM, Blogger Mark said...

I read the Bradley Hall comment on google cache. Thanks Bradley for your story. It certainly strengthened my testimony.

At Monday, December 21, 2009 11:29:00 PM, Blogger Panhof said...

Please advise where, when and how Mormon missionary Bart White of Nevada was killed. I am estimating it happened in the early 80's. He was a good friend of mine...

At Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:06:00 PM, Blogger scott said...

Samuel the Utahnite, you must be Gay. I think it is awsome that YOU THINK you served an honorable mission. Keep telling yourself that! You must have been a waster of a missionary. I'm sure you are now divorced and smokin pole on your quest for TRUTH. I read the book of Samuel Utahnite and it sounds like you have been called by yourself to lead the blind out of darkness.
THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! I'll pray about your book of shite.

At Sunday, January 31, 2010 9:00:00 PM, Blogger doggs777 said...

Not sure if you have been on a mission in these foreign contries, but if you have you would know that it is so dangerous that people should be dying daily, interesting how rarely a missionary dies

Also, even if you are against something...why do this? Maybe the catholic church is true, maybe not. Maybe Mormons are true, maybe not...but doing this is punching a ticket straight to hell if the Mormons are right. You either are naive or stupid

At Thursday, February 04, 2010 6:56:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sad news:

"2 Mormon missionaries die in natural gas leak in Romania"

Deseret News
Jan. 31, 2010

Two LDS missionaries — one from Utah County and another from Nevada — died sometime Friday night at their apartment in Romania.

Elder McKay Choy Burrows, 20, of Highland, and Elder Jace Edwards Davis, 20, of Logandale, Nev., died from accidental natural gas asphyxiation due to a gas leak in their apartment, said Scott Trotter, spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The missionaries were serving in the church's Romania Bucharest Mission.

Burrows, an honor roll student at Lone Peak High, graduated in 2008 and attended one year at BYU before leaving for his mission last June. He arrived in Romania in August. Both families were notified by church leaders.

"We extend our love and sympathy to the elders' families and friends," Trotter said. "We pray that the Spirit of the Lord will bring them peace and comfort at this difficult time."


I wonder how poor the Elders' living conditions were. Mine in Peru in 1984/5 were mostly appalling (filthy shantytowns and ghettos). While we tracting in a shantytown on the edge of the Peruvian desert east of Trujillo, my Peruvian comp., a small guy, was suddenly attacked by an armed thief. I intervened to protect him and was almost murdered (nearly had my throat cut).

My condolences to the families of these missionaries.

At Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope these families go after you for using the names of their loved ones and then attacking the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are a pathetic individual I have a son in Argentina now and I am grateful for his willingness to serve it was his choice and he wouldn't want it any other way. I only hope he does not have the unfortunate experience of serving with someone like you. I do not believe you were a good missionary I believe you were the kind that your companion had to pull out of bed every morning Get a life and channel your hatred towards something more positive in your life or it will destroy you!

At Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:00:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would like to add a name to the list honoring missionaries who died in the service of the Mormon Church while on a mission:

Hellen Bentley, France 1964, from Provo, Utah

Please add to the list.

At Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Carl and Shauna said...

I am not young and have seen a great deal in my many decades in the Church---things you, Samual, will probably never see.

I have seen those General Authorities--two within my own family---that you portray as so callous. These men were on their way to great temporal fame and fortune and gave it all up to spend 70% of their time, and the rest of their lives, away from their families ministering to this wicked world. And yes, they do get a "living allowence" which is a tiny fragment of the money they would have generated in the world.
I have seen them weep over people they have never even met. You truly do not have a clue.

I have sent 6 sons into the mission field--all of them to "scary" places. There have been many close calls. But life itself is a close call every day. they knew that and so did we--and so did their Father in Heaven.

I know that we live in a world where no one is ever supposed to sacrifice or suffer for anything, and you are buying into it.

If you had truly lost your spirit, this blog wouldn't exist. You would have moved on to being a happy Methodist! You can't let it go, and you know it. I dare you--shut this down and move on....won't ever happen.

At Friday, January 14, 2011 9:57:00 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

How many missionaries have been killed? From the existing lists? All together?

At Sunday, January 30, 2011 1:58:00 PM, Blogger kay said...

Why do so many people criticize the mormon church? What's the big deal.. they don't bash on your churches. People say they judge, well your judging them. No one is perfect. And if your saying it's a fraud try it yourself and see for yourself. Don't listen to what someone else has so say. You can only know something for yourself if you do it and learn it yourself. Whats's the worst that could happen if you just look into it or try it out? Not much, only maybe you'll think it's not for you. If your searching for something, start there. It really is true and you'll come to know it.

At Monday, February 07, 2011 7:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, rock on. As one who has recently discovered and broken free of the Matrix that is the Mormon church, I applaud your efforts. While I too was a little taken aback at first by your aggressive tone, after I thought about it, I often feel the same way! In fact I was really pissed when I thought about all of the thousands of choices I made in my life, all based on false teachings. But I'm out now thank God and I only hope I can help my children and other family members to see the light. So good for you, and I wish you success in all that you do.

At Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:52:00 PM, Blogger Beasil said...

WOW, this is one long-running comment thread. It's hard to know what to believe about how the church treats people and how much of its member's money it spends on whatever, but I know the basics. People think that because a church is comforting, supportive, confident, and run by nice people, it's indubitably true. This isn't how finding truth works. If it were, people wouldn't be finding 1,000 different truths through this same method. Logic may not be perfect, but emotions are much more flawed. Only facts and heavily scrutinized theories can bring one even close to truth (or an objective consensus), and the facts are that there is no archaeological or DNA evidence to suggest that the Book of Mormon is the least bit true. But it doesn't matter. If it makes you happy, then go ahead and indulge. I like putting my own beliefs out there to help people decide, but I like to be pleasant about it. If, however, an otherwise benign religious group attacks me, my beliefs, and/or my rights, I reserve the right to rudely chew them up and spit them out, and to support others who do so.

At Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:58:00 AM, Blogger T-yler said...

For all you 'Morons' leaving your 'testifonies', and I might be wrong but does the church not speak against being on this type of site. In your temple recommend do they not still ask 'do you affiliate with any organization that might discredit the church' or something along those lines of BS. That might lead one to a 'court of love'?

At Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:42:00 AM, Blogger Ethan said...

Bradley you are an amazing, inspiring man. I thank you for sharing your testimony. It really made me cry with joy that there really are people who can overcome ANYTHING and keep their faith. I am preparing to go on my mission in a month and I could not be any more excited to serve the Lord. I know this is the true church and that this work MUST continue to bring salvation to all so everyone can enjoy the great plan of happiness. I grieve every time I hear about someone falling away from the church and fighting against it. They had the truth and just lost it. Members of the church don't always realize what they have. There are countless people on the earth that will never hear about the LDS church in their life and I know that in the afterlife they are desperate for it so they can too enjoy being in the presence of God and Christ. My prayers go out to those who have fallen away from the church and are now fighting against it. They have turned into the very mob that killed our great prophet Joseph Smith. This is the true church, the Book of Mormon is true, and I know that my mission is what I am supposed to do. Whatever happens out there I know that Christ will be by my side every step of the way to lift me up and comfort me. In this Christmas season it reminds me of his sacrifice and that with him, all is possible.

At Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:01:00 PM, Blogger Mom said...

I do know that Mormons honoring Missonaries who die on missions.
Why does it have to be publicly?

It is not indicative of a cult,that we like to grieve within our families. There's no cloak and dagger,
where deaths are purposely covered up. I am neither brain washed nor
ignorant. We do not automatically assign people to heaven due to how
they died. It would seem that someone so well read and informed would spend their energy building up something of worth rather than bearing down on a group of people
who mostly are honest, well-meaning, yet imperfect people.
We are burying a missionary on Wed. who died on her mission.
Don't put yourself in someone elses shoes. Only God himself knows our hearts.

Thank you for caring, though.

At Saturday, June 08, 2013 7:43:00 PM, Blogger Megaroo said...

Don't you think that it is a tad bit disrespectful to rip into the religion that these people supposedly died for while serving their missions? At the same time you say you are honoring and memorializing them and condemning the church for not publicly doing the same, when, in fact, you are the one being disrepctful to their sacrifice?

At Wednesday, August 14, 2013 10:50:00 AM, Blogger JEM said...

Thank you so much for this testimony!!

At Sunday, July 06, 2014 1:52:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am amazed at the guilt and shame that threads through this blog about the death of "kids" out doing what they believe in as-well performing their spiritual or religious Rite of Passage into adulthood, or the higher Priesthood rituals. The promises of a god protecting any missionary trumped by their death while in service of their god, as means Rite of Passage has someway failed them as well as those close to the situation. The displacement of angst and maybe anger to be benevolent souls'. I have to wonder in all cases of death what the persons role was in being in that time and place. Would not the guiding spirit warn of a possible death and shy away from such a meeting? I would argue acknowledging the deaths of those who have walked with us and before us is an important cultural event. I would wonder how many incidents of death were self initiated, how many were true accidents, how many wished for their own death while in the middle of their passage. Better to have come home dead than with dishonor something like that. Seeing the numbers who have in their way given their life in the service of others is very altruistic. That is what amazes me about the threading of hidden emotions, If it was a worthy death than it would be as such and there would be no hidden shame or guilt. A death being preventable or initiated than stigma follows and having to endure the pain of knowing the truth behind the death while in the service of their god. this blog acknowledging the death of individuals is nothing more than acknowledging the honor for which each name stood for regardless the intent of the death.

At Sunday, January 01, 2017 7:01:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm curious why the communication from you pretty much ended in 2006, when most of this was written ?? Also, you're not an atheist, lol or you wouldn't make statements in your blog like... I don't know why I was spared, if it was lucky or came from God. People who are truly Atheist don't mention God . One last question, who either molested you, or what missionary son, friend, daughter, relative did you lose in the mission field to make you so angry ?


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