I Just Wanted To Wish Everyone, Especially Mormon Truth Readers And Listeners, A Very Merry Christmas And Thank You For All Of Your Support!!

You guys are the best and thank you so much for all of your support and motivation to do what I'm doing. I hope that I've been able to help a lot of you and I hope to be able to help many more this coming year and for many years to come. You have all helped me so much and I'm so grateful.
I hope that many of you have either already been freed from the Mormon cult or will be freed this coming year. I couldn't have asked for more this year, than my freedom from the Mormon lies and fraud and to finally have my dignity. Take care everyone and have a wonderful, rockin' Christmas day. Your Emails have been like gifts to me since July, thank you all so much!! I'll be back tomorrow!!
Oh, sorry, I just had to throw a greeting on here for all you die-hard TBMS(True believing or true blue or truly brainwashed Mormons). I didn't want to leave you out of my Christmas day greeting and decided to be a little naughty, after being so nice. I was trying to be good, but since Santa already came for me......LOL!!
So here is one final, magical photo tribute to the baby Joseph, as he lay in his crib, back in 1805, the beginning of the Mormon fraud. What an awful day for humanity!!

Samuel the Utahnite
Labels: Mormon, Mormon LDS Mormonism cult brainwashing indoctrination fraud lies liars criminals joseph smith pedophile child rape adultery Thomas Monson Henry Eyring crooks vile assholes TBM apologists prophet evil
LOL Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy.
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