Is Mitt Romney Politically Connected To The Mormon Hierarchy?!!
I thought that you guys would enjoy this story. Here's the video and then I'll comment below, with the links and references.
(Here is a link to another video about Mitt Romney that I posted, entitled "Can Mitt Romney, A Mormon, Actually Win the U.S.Presidency?" It was an interview that he did with the local Salt Lake City, ABC affiliate.)
The Boston Globe came out with a story on Sunday, October 22, 2006, plus, there was another one on October 20, saying that yes, he is connected. Also, in his own words, Mitt Romney admitted he was and could be in some trouble, along with the Mormon Hierarchy.
At stake is their precious tax exempt status, which would cost them billions and also the need to reveal their actual income and finances to the world. Now that would really would be wonderful, wouldn't it? I doubt Hinckley and co. would think so!!
Here are some excerpts form the October 20 Boston Globe article:
"Governor Mitt Romney vigorously defended a plan yesterday by his political advisers to develop a network of Mormon supporters for his potential presidential bid, while a former Internal Revenue Service commissioner said discussions among Romney operatives and Mormon Church leaders about the initiative could violate the church's tax-exempt status."
"'Clearly, I'm going to raise money from people I know, and that includes BYU alums, people of my church, people of other churches, Harvard Business School graduates,' Romney said in an interview, as he and Governor Jeb Bush of Florida campaigned for a Republican candidate for Florida's chief financial officer.
Romney's comments suggest that the fund-raising initiative, which his political advisers dubbed Mutual Values and Priorities, or MVP, remained an active effort. On Tuesday, one of Romney's top aides, Spencer Zwick, said the MVP program had been abandoned."
It gets even more interesting in the October 22 Boston Globe article:
"Despite repeated denials by the Mormon Church and Governor Mitt Romney's advisers, e-mails from a key Romney consultant state that the leader of the worldwide church was consulted on an effort to build Mormon support for the governor's potential presidential bid and that a key church leader has been involved in mapping out the plan. One e-mail also describes Romney's personal involvement in the planning.
The Globe reported Thursday that Romney's political team had quietly discussed the plan with officials from the church and church-run Brigham Young University and that Gordon B. Hinckley, president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was made aware of the effort and had no opposition.
A church spokesman said last week that it was nonsense to suggest church leaders were working in any way to aid Romney's political campaign, adding that Hinckley did not know of the Romney initiative to build a nationwide network of Mormon supporters.
But a Sept. 8 e-mail from Romney's Utah-based political consultant, Don Stirling, states that Hinckley and James E. Faust, the church's third-highest ranking leader, knew about the effort from another church leader, Jeffrey R. Holland, who had been in close consultation with Romney operatives about it."
To not think that the Mormon Hierarchy isn't sitting around all giddy, high-fiving each other in the holy of holies, thinking about Mitt Romney being President; would be ridiculous.
Ever since Joseph Smith crowned himself "King of the world" and failed in his attempt to be President of the US; it is all they fantasize and dream about. It would truly be the crowning achievement of Mormonism and they would feel that world domination wasn't far behind, which has been their goal since at least 1830. They would hope that Mitt could get them into those countries that they haven't made it into yet.
There is nothing more that the Mormon Hierarchy would love, than to not only control Utah, but to be in control of the USA and the world if they could be. Everyone has to realize that if Mitt Romney is the President of the USA, whoever the Mormon Prophet is, Gordon B. Hinckley or Thomas S. Monson will be the acting de facto, shadow President.
Do we really want the bigoted, homophobic and clueless Mormon Hierarchy calling the shots for the USA and trying to control world politics?
Can you imagine the sickening photo ops with Hinckley or Monson and all of the trips back and forth between DC and Salt Lake, kissing each others asses? Maybe they could just move the Mormon Prophet right into the Whitehouse, next to Mitt's room; that way, if the Mormon Prophet received any burning revelations in the middle of the night, he could simply knock on Mitt's door and tell him what he needed to do next.
I know that Nancy Reagan was really into astrology, so why not have Mitt using the Mormon Prophet as his personal fortune teller, right? I mean after all, isn't he supposed to talk face to face with God and Jesus, just like Joe did? The sad thing is; there would never really be any revelations and Nancy Reagan probably learned more from her astrology, than Mitt could ever learn from Hinckley or Monson.
Maybe Mitt could just live in the DC temple, with the Prophet, to make sure that the USA and world were being guided 24/7 by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I wonder if Jesus Christ himself would actually visit Mitt, since he is a member of Jesus' "one and only true church" and would be President of the "Promised Land?"
Nah, he'd have to go through the chain of authority and just pass on the information through his Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Mouthpiece. I'm still waiting for the sequel to the "only 1 earring in each ear" revelation, since that was so damn profound and powerful!!
Mitt Romney would push every single Mormon agenda he could while in office and would do nothing without the approval of the Mormon Hierarchy. At least we now know that there is "an official" connection between Mitt Romney and the Mormon Hierarchy, and that they are already working together, which of course they outright and strongly deny, because they are born liars and cult leaders.
It sure is nice though, isn't it, when they get busted with dirty hands in the cookie jar? If they think they are under scrutiny now, just wait until Mitt is "officially running" for President. This could turn out to be the Mormon Hierarchy's worst nightmare come true and they are too stupid, power-hungry and arrogant to even see it.
They are just doing what they do best and what they have always been doing since 1820; LIE!! Joseph Smith was the father of all Mormon lies and the greatest teacher and example they have of how to scam the world.
Do we actually think they will ever admit to their connection to Mitt or to any wrong doing? Will they ever tell the truth about anything? Please!! Hinckley can't even admit that they teach and believe that God was once a man and they've never taken responsibility for "Mountain Meadows Massacre." (They restored John D. Lee's temple blessings in 1961.)
The Mormon cult Hierarchy is corrupt and Mitt Romney would just be another cog in the wheel, to further their agenda of fraud and lies, in my opinion.
Samuel the Utahnite
Labels: Mormon, Mormon LDS Mormonism cult brainwashing indoctrination fraud lies liars criminals joseph smith pedophile child rape adultery Thomas Monson Henry Eyring crooks vile assholes TBM apologists prophet evil