Gordon B. Hinckley, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith And....Jesus Smith? LOL! Considering That Joseph Smith Said He Was Greater Than Jesus, It Makes Sense!!
I just thought we could all use some good comedy relief...well at least us fellow ex-Mormons, as I'm sure most TBMS won't find this funny in the slightest.
Not much to say really, as the video clip and words of the Mormon Prophet of fraud, Gordon B. Hinckley, are pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you say? I have a lot to put on my blog in the next few days, including many more videos and I'll try to mix some more great humor in there.
Paul Maughan, who created the "Hinckley trashing missionaries video", has made a whole bunch of new videos, that make me laugh my ass off; yet they are powerful and make great points in the process, using their own words.
Thanks Paul for all the work you do on these videos, to help share the truth of the Mormon fraud through humor.
Please leave your comments,
Samuel the Utahnite
Labels: Mormon, Mormon LDS Mormonism cult brainwashing indoctrination fraud lies liars criminals joseph smith pedophile child rape adultery Thomas Monson Henry Eyring crooks vile assholes TBM apologists prophet evil