More Mormon Missionary Insights And Experiences Straight From The Mission Field From Current Mormon Missionaries Along With My Opinions And Comments!!
I'm currently keeping tabs on 3 current Mormon Missionaries who are out in the Mission field as we speak. They all have a year or longer to go, so I should have plenty to write about and share over the next 18 months. Two of them are in the United States and the other one is in Peru. Their letters and words continue to astound me. It's hard to believe that I was once one of these missionaries that would have said similar things or thought in a similar manner. I don't think that I was quite as extreme as these 3, but I was pretty close at different times during my mission.
Well, with that said, let me get to the most current quotes that I have and want to share. Pay attention to how judgmental they are toward anybody that doesn't want to hear their teachings or somebody that changes their mind in regard to taking the discussions. One other common thing with all missionaries and all missions; they seem to gravitate to the poor or mentally disabled people since they are basically the only people that will listen to their lessons and get baptized. I would say that those people, the poor, or mentally disabled, make up the majority of Mormon convert baptisms and then they wonder why they have such a massive retention problem?
In my opinion, the future of the Mormon Church is very bleak. The only future strength in the Mormon Church lies with the generational Mormons not current converts. The Mormon Church is weakening year by year with the poor quality of baptisms. Basically, it is catching up to them and things are now coming full circle. The Mormon Church is now even losing the generational Mormons due to the Internet and exposure of the "real Mormon truth."
Also, the common theme on Mormon Missions, is that anyone that stops listening or doesn't want to listen in the first place, must have been overcome or is controlled by Satan. After all, Satan is working hard everyday to destroy God's work and disrupt and corrupt, the "chosen people."
I, personally know what these missionaries go through with the pressure for numbers and the mental and psychological abuse that the Mormon cult slams them with on a daily basis. These methods of abuse begin in Salt Lake and are passed on to the Area Presidency, the Mission President, then onto the Assistants, Zone Leaders and District Leaders. Heads will roll on ever level if the numbers aren't what they should be.
I feel very sad and compassionate for missionaries when they are depressed or suffering because they are being told that they just aren't cutting it. It infuriates me that the mental abuse continues on without missing a beat. Damn cult!! Now onto what I created this post for. The missionary's comments are in red and mine are in blue after each paragraph. I have tried to delete actual names and places just to help these guys keep their privacy as much as possible.
Here are the quotes:
The missionary in Peru-"We got some really cool baptisims coming up. Its amazing when you bring a family together. One of our first families we baptised “La familia xxxxxxxxxx” were doing fantastic until four days ago. The mother has been listening to filth from her nieghbors and instead of praying and asking for direction she sat idle and did nothing. Within a matter of four days what was once a strong testimony blew away. At the same time though with the same doubts her husband did what he knew he should when he had a question. He read and prayed and within four days his testimony was stronger than most life long members. It was just like Elder Irying´s talk on how testimonies have a short self-life. When we don´t exercise our testimonies they disappear into nothingness. That’s what I learned this week in Peru. Everything is fine here, thanks for the e-mails and everything.
Notice how he says, "The mother has been listening to 'filth' from her neighbors?" Give me a damn break!! I guess that it isn't even in the realm of possibility that she just decided, with her own "free agency", study and knowledge, that it wasn't for her. Imagine this all you "TBMS" out there, **gasp**, what if she FELT, yeah, FELT, that it was wrong? What if the "Holy Ghost", told her not to join? Well, I guess that isn't really possible when you are missionaries or members of the "one and only true Church on the face of the planet." Can you see the arrogance of the Mormon Church and the arrogance that is instilled in their missionaries?
Remember, from the First Vision, that all other Churches are false and abominations!! So, coming from that frame of mind, it is literally impossible for anyone to feel that the Mormon Church is false, unless they are inspired by Satan himself. Yes, it must be the Devil that made them do it and beguiled them, right? Well, in their eyes, the Devil is the only option that would make someone turn their back on the "one and only true Church" on the face of the earth. To me, this is truly disgusting and ABOMINABLE!!
So, let me get this straight, the Church preaches "free agency" as the entire point of the "war in heaven" and why we(those of us here on earth) chose Jesus' plan over Satan's in the Pre-existence, but yet, those of us here, have no other option or path, but to follow the Mormon way? If we don't and chose our own path, we are following Satan? Does that sound like "free agency" to anyone reading this? That sounds to me like some pretty jacked up, ridiculous BS!! Those of you that actually believe this, well, I can't help you if your choice is to throw out all logic and any common sense. Those that actually believe this to be true, well, I wish you the best!!
One more thing that I learned from the paragraph above, is that once again, the Mormon Church is going to divide a Family. The Mormon Church preaches their BS about "families are forever", etc, when the reality is families are only forever if they all believe the exact same way and are active in the Mormon Church. If one person leaves, then the Family isn't forever anymore unless that person comes back to the "Mormon fold." How damaging, destructive and divisive the Mormon Church is in these instances. In this particular case, the missionary says, "He read and prayed and within four days his testimony was stronger than most life long members."
Now, compare that to the fact that this man's wife, " has been listening to 'filth' from her neighbors and instead of praying and asking for direction she sat idle and did nothing." Can you see a problem developing in this relationship courtesy of the Mormon Church? So, if this man gets baptized and his wife doesn't, she will have no choice but to get baptized if she ever wants to see her Husband or Children in the next life!!
So, once again, the Mormon Church and it's highly trained and brainwashed missionaries, are destroying another Family. The man is wonderful, choosing the right path and his wife is going down the path to hell based on here decision not to continue with the missionary discussions. Now if this man becomes a "TBM", can you imagine the pressure that he will put on his wife and the fights that will ensue? This is criminal!! How many of these people were perfectly happy or at least doing well, getting by just fine, before the Mormon missionaries came by and completely screwed up their Family in the name of God and tithing? It is sickening!! The Mormon Church is a destructive, intrusive cult!!
The missionary in the New York area-"The work has been going well. We have been doing A LOT of tracting, to try to find people that are prepared. We found 3 great families through tracting, and now we are at the critical stage with them where we need to urgently but not overbearingly follow up on these people, and get them to church. It will be nice."
They are now at the "critical stage" with them. So, they need to be "urgent but not overbearingly?" Interesting, at least he might be trying to not be a complete overbearing ass like the Mormon Church trains missionaries to be. But then he follows it up with "and get them to church." Oh well, I was hoping!! Just remember as you read this stuff, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!! Seriously, it's all about the numbers every single day in a missionary's life. The pressure is tremendous!!
In my mission, as well as many others that I personally know, if you don't perform, meaning getting lots of contacts, discussions and baptisms, then you are constantly doing divisions with District Leaders, Zone Leaders and in some extreme cases, the Assistants to the President. When the latter happens and the Assistants show up, you know that you are screwed. Also, whatever you do, DO NOT GET SICK!! Everyone will assume that you are faking it, evening when you have the runs every 10 minutes while you are puking black crap up!! Now, also keep in mind that these missionaries are volunteers whose Families are paying their way. It would be one thing if the Mormon Church paid for missionaries and they were employees of the Mormon Church but the fact is, they are not. To me, that is what makes the situation so much worse.
"One of our new investigators, A***, is doing well. He is in a wheelchair, and has ADD and very little social skills. At church, when he talks to people, if they aren’t prepared he can make people feel awkward. We are working with him, and I think things will be fine. He is excited about the church, and needs it badly in his life, as we all do."
Okay, this guy is "in a wheel chair, has ADD and very little social skills." He apparently embarrasses the missionaries and makes members feel awkward "if the aren't prepared." What do they do, warn everybody about how weird the guy is in advance, if they can? But, despite all of this, they "are working with him and things will be fine." After all, "he is excited about the Church and needs it badly in his life, as we all do." It sounds to me like this poor guy may be suffering from some other things as well. He doesn't sound to me like someone that is in a position to be getting the mission discussions and deciding on whether to be baptized. Remember in the Mormon Church, it's all about the outward appearance. Anyway, I guess that we'd have to know all the details to know for sure.
"Things are going really good here. The work has been great. We have a guy we are working with, A****, who has been a great investigator. He went to all 5 sessions of conference. On Monday he agreed to baptism. On Tuesday, we told him about the word of wisdom, anticipating that it would be hard for him to give up coffee, since he had been a truck driver and was proud of his brewing equiptment. We told him about it, and he had no problems. He just said, “okay, I’ll give it up". That was nice."
Now this guy sounds like so many from my mission that we taught. Basically, the missionaries manipulate the guy into not drinking alcohol, tea, coffee or smoking. He doesn't really want to stop and in most cases has no intention of doing so. But at the same time, the missionary discussions are worded in such a way, with the commitments and challenges, that he/she feels obligated to say yes. So, basically, Mormon missionaries force people to lie by pressuring them to agree to something that they aren't ready to agree to. These guys even "anticipated that it would be hard for him to give up coffee, since he had been a truck driver and was proud of his brewing equipment." So, this guy, who has most likely drank coffee for his entire life "had no problems with it" and agreed not to drink coffee anymore, "just like that." He just said, "okay, I'll give it up." No worries, anything for the Mormon Church and missionaries, right?
Like I said, I knew so many people like this on my mission. They liked us as people, thought we were cool, couldn't say no to us, agreed to every single thing we asked them to do, so that they would have the privilege of joining God's one and only true Church on the face of the earth. Then, they would get baptized, come to Church for a couple of weeks and then stop coming. We would go to visit them and find them smoking a cigarette with a beer in the other hand. We were horrified!! How could somebody turn their back on the spirit that they had felt? Sometimes, they would hide and we could hear them inside whispering and scurrying around. We could smell the smoke from outside, since most of them lived in wooden shacks full of cracks, etc.
Anyway, we were always so hurt and sad to think that they had turned their backs on the truth, so quickly. Plus, that was their one chance since they had felt the spirit confirm that the Church was true and now they were going to be screwed for all eternity if they didn't come back to the fold. Also, we would have to testify against them at the last day. How screwed up is that BS? All I can say, is wow, I really believed all this crap? Everybody in the world is actually better off if they never meet Mormon missionaries and never get baptized. Again, if they accept the truth or feel the spirit confirm to them the truthfulness of Mormonism, then they reject it, they will be ineligible for the Celestial Kingdom.
But, if they never meet Mormon missionaries, live a life of sin, partying, drugs, etc, they will have their chance in the Spirit world to accept or reject the Gospel. Of course at that point, faith will no longer be necessary since they will know that they are dead. They would know that there is a hereafter and that God exists, no more Satan or temptation, etc. Sounds pretty screwed up, doesn't it? Why wouldn't they accept, knowing that everything is true and it will be to their advantage? So, these people can get a pass straight to the Celestial Kingdom and live with God after living a complete life of sin, while those of us that had the truth and fell short, are completely screwed and separated from our Friends and Family.
I guess they can wave at us poor suckers that had to endure to the end, blessed with the truth, but failed, as they zoom up to the Celestial Kingdom laughing their asses off. It doesn't even make any common sense at all. This is just another example of how screwed up and inconsistent Mormon doctrine is when you really stop to think about things. It is a complete joke!! Any TBMS reading this, or people on the fence, just think about that please. It should help you to know that this "Mormon plan", is a complete fraud and makes no sense!!
"The others we are working with are doing fine as well. We are working with N**** S*******’s wife, M****. N**** is a Jewish convert, and majored in Judaic studies. He is really strong in the gospel. M**** was raised Catholic, and has had a hard time accepting things other than Catholicism. However, she is beginning to like us more and more, and N**** has faith that with time, she will join the church."
So, here we go again. He is already baptized, his wife isn't and the missionaries are trying to work her over to get her baptized. The interesting thing is that this missionary is equating the fact that "she is beginning to like us more and more" with the fact that she may eventually get baptized. Meanwhile, her Husband, "a Jewish convert that is very strong in the Gospel, has faith that with time, she will join the Church." I wonder what kind of toll this takes on their marriage, especially when the missionaries keep coming by and her Husband pressures her to join. I just think that it's wrong to do this to Families. People should be free to chose whatever they want to do without a horrendous guilt trip to hell. After all, as I mentioned earlier in this post, isn't that what we fought for in the "war in Heaven", according to Mormon doctrine and teachings? The Mormon Church brags about that fact that they are the only Church in the world to have such a large missionary force. I say that they are the only Church in the world to intrude so much into peoples private and personal lives in order to divide and destroy Family bonds in order to try to get tithing money. It's no skin of the Mormon General Authorities ass since the members and Missionaries flip the entire bill. They just hope to get some new tithe payers to fatten their bottom line. Here was a post I did on the "real reason for the Mormon missionary program."
"The ward is doing great. We have really been trying hard to motivate them to do their member missionary work, and to get us referrals. Things have been working well. One family is bringing another family to church on Sunday. This is a family that we tracted into a few weeks ago, and they said they knew someone at church.
Yep, isn't it cool to see how the Lord puts prepared people in the path of Mormon Missionaries? Amazing isn't it? Of course, he doesn't put people in the path of Seventh Day Adventists or Jehovah Witnesses, does he? It's just the Mormon Church that finds these special, amazing people prepared just for them by the Lord. Wow!!
"General conference was great. We got to watch all 5 sessions at church. It was really nice. It is incredible to see that we really have a Prophet on the earth, and 12 Apostles. I wish everybody in the world understood how signifigant that is."
I wish that everyone in the world realized that the Mormon Prophet and 12 Apostles, are complete money hungry, greedy, frauds!! I wish everybody in the world understood just how significant their fraud is!! The fact is, Mr. brainwashed missionary and all TBMS, that the world doesn't realize how significant the Mormon Prophet and Apostles are, because, the aren't relevant and do nothing significant, ever!! Why would anyone notice how wonderful or inspired "Mormon cult leaders" are? Why would anyone care? Do people in the world actually need these men in their life in order to proceed forward? Apparently not!! The only people that find these goons and clowns to be "significant", are "brainwashed TBMS." To the rest of the world, they are laughable joke!! Unfortunately, they lead a cult that values destroying and dividing Families.
"I miss you but I know that this is the Lord’s work that I am a part of. And the time is passing so quickly."
I also believed that I was doing the "Lord's work." After all, if you don't believe that you are, then what the hell would you be wasting two years of your life for?Even if you aren't sure, you just keep telling yourself that it's for the Lord. Like Boyd K. Packer says, "if you keep saying that you believe something, even if you don't believe it, eventually you will believe it. In other words, just keep saying it until you brainwash yourself into believing it!! Sounds like some great advice if you belong or lead a cult!!
"We have had a few good meetings with A****, and he accepted the challenge to be baptized. A**** is great, in that every time we go over to his house he improves. His wife and son are warming up to us, but they still haven’t listened in on the lessons. A**** will have his baptismal interview tomorrow, and everything should be fine for Saturday."
Here's another example of what I'm talking about!! This guy has already been forced and coerced to accept the challenge to be baptized. Meanwhile, his wife and son, whom he probably loves very much, are "warming up to them" but still haven't listened in on the lessons. But, who cares, this guy has his baptismal interview tomorrow and everything should be fine for Saturday. Yeah, everything should be fine accept the fact that his wife is against it and that she won't allow their son to get baptized. Other than that, everything is perfect. I wonder if she will go to the baptism? After all, let's keep in mind, it's all about the numbers!!
I wonder how his wife will feel when he has to start forking over 10% of their income. That should be a wonderful, pleasant day. Of course, he doesn't have to pay tithing, he has free agency right? Well, he doesn't have to pay tithing if he doesn't want to live with God in the Celestial Kingdom. However, what is the incentive if he is living with God in the Celestial Kingdom without his Wife and Son? Oh well, it doesn't matter, everything should be fine for the next life, right? Screw Family, screw your Parents, wife, kids, etc, as long as you are with God, everything will be great. Besides, there will be plenty of woman for him to enter into polygamous marriages with, right? I'm sure that Joseph Smith will be there to hook him up with some hot 14 year olds. Then again, all the 14 year olds might already be spoken for by Joseph Smith himself. Sick pervert!!
"Yesterday we had a zone conference and I got to meet with Pdte. XXXX. He’s a great guy. We had a good talk about all kinds of things. Also, this cycle we studied the Atonement in depth, using the Book of Mormon.
Wow!! He knows, without a doubt, that the Book of Mormon, "isn't a book that someone could have written." He also knows that the Mormon Church, "isn't a religion that any person or group of people could have invented." It kind of sounds like to me that someone has been whispering evil things in his ear. Why would he need to say that? I'm sure that he hears that stuff every single day out in the "real world." It must be hard to hear that all the time, especially now in the Internet age, when everybody is finding out what a bogus fraud the Mormon Church really is. It kind of reminds me of Hinckley and here is the link, when he says, "Each of us has to face the matter—either the Church is true, or it is a fraud. There is no middle ground. It is the Church and kingdom of God, or it is nothing."
Here is another good Hinckley post I recently wrote!!
Missionary serving in the Midwest of the USA:"Conference was the best. I loved every second of it. I took 22 pages of notes! Today I am going to take the time to type them all up."
I used to do the same crap. I was actually in the MTC during one General Conference and I took at least 20 pages of notes. I hung on their every word, after all, they are servants of God, divinely inspired, so I believed anyway. Their words literally fell from the mouth of God into their mind and then across the pulpit to me. I read them, re-read them and tried to learn all that I could from what I considered to be these incredibly wise men. I was so deep into their mind control and brainwashing program, that I saw these men as next to Deity.
"We have had a busy week, with conference and all. We also had a Zone meeting with all of the District leaders on Fri. Then yesterday we had our Zone Conference. It was awesome. I received a lot of inspiration as we were taught. One thing that I realized was that the Spirit testifies the same in meetings like it does in conference. I am very grateful for the guidance of the Spirit. I don’t know what I would do without it. They sure talked about reading the Book of Mormon a lot in conference. I loved it. When Pres. Hinckley first issued the challenge to read it I had just finished and was in about 2 Nephi so I did not start over. The same with my Comp. So we decided to start over and in addition to his challenge, read it 3 times before the end of the year. It will only take about 20 pages per day. As I have done it I have felt the promised blessings come into my life. You don’t have to finish the Book to begin to see the Lord bless your life. It has been great. It will be a challenge but it is something that I never have done before. I set a plan and I will stick with it like Elder Eyring said we should do."
This is the biggest load of crap in the Mormon Church!! This whole "the Book of Mormon will bless your life" crap. Hinckley is challenging everyone to read the Book of Mormon, as if it's a novel, not to "study" the Book of Mormon. I think that is significant to point out!! This missionary has already felt the "promised blessings come into his life." Also, he then points out that "you don't have to finish the Book to begin to see the Lord bless your life." So, let me get this straight; if you read the Book of Mormon, God will bless your life and promises blessings to you. If you don't read it, he won't bless you and you are screwed!! It's just amazing that Hinckley sends this BS out and people immediately do whatever he says. This poor dude feels so guilted into it, that he is reading the Book of Mormon twice at the same time in two different places and then he's gonna read once more when he's done with these two readings. How pathetic!! The truth is, the Mormon hierarchy knows that the Book of Mormon is a fraud, with not one shred of physical evidence to support it and they are running scared, big time!!
"One of my favorite talks was President Faust’s in the first session, where he spoke on light. That is one of my favorite topics to study about. I don’t know why I guess that it’s because it’s something that not many people know too much about, the light of Christ that is. Some of the insights that I have gained, is that the light of Christ is his glory. The more we follow the commandments the brighter the light shines within us. As we develop Christlike attributes we are increasing in glory or light. I have found that glory and light in many cases are interchangeable. Any why that probably made no sense but it is organized a little better in my head, not much though. It is a fun topic to study."
Amazing that a Church that lies to members, whitewashes and lies about their history, steals from the poor, are racists, anti-gay homophobes, support Joseph Smith's polygamous marriages to other mens wives, and children as young as 14, as being from God, can even talk about light from God. If we want to talk about "Christlike attributes", Joseph Smith is probably one of the men that had the fewest. He was basically and evil child molester/rapist/pedophile. He committed adultery on a regular basis and fornicated when he wasn't committing adultery. He, of course, hid his heinous actions from his wife Emma. When he wasn't doing these things, he was busy defrauding other people with his bank fiasco, his money digging, his golden plates, his head along with a seer stone, stuck in a hat, etc. This guy was an evil cult leader plain and simple, that justified his actions in the name of God. He is no different than any of the modern day cult leaders that come to our mind. He was total and complete scum!!
"Anyway I am great, we are excited and we have been able to talk with some great people, they just need to let us come back and teach them."
The problem is, that most people just don't want these guys in their house, period!! Also, I would dare say, that most people these days, know somebody that knows something about the cult called Mormonism. Also, keep in mind, especially here in the USA, after most people are contacted by Mormon missionaries, they probably head straight to the Internet to find out about Mormonism, thus explaining why they don't want to meet again with the Elders.
"Well this week has been crazy just like the last. Last Thursday we went to a huge service project (about 20 missionaries) and helped build a play ground for kids. It was sponsored by Home Depot and there was a lot of news cameras there. We weren’t in our missionary stuff but we had our name tags. I hope that we were able to make a good impression on the people of xxxx."
Now, of course, this was arranged out of the goodness of their hearts and not for publicity sake, right? Sorry to be so cynical, but the fact that he mentions the cameras and name tags, pretty much shows why they were really there. Instead of just helping people from their heart, they hope to get something out of it, namely BAPTISMS and more NUMBERS!! When you are a missionary, with crazy amounts of pressure for numbers and performance from your leaders, you look for any situation that will help you get and achieve those numbers. I remember thinking the same way this guy is thinking. I loved anything that put us in the public eye because I could see all those numbers and baptisms down the road. I tried to convince myself that I was just concerned for their souls but deep down, I knew that I needed these numbers in order to not be ripped apart by every single level of mission leadership.
"We tracted into a member that did not want anyone to find him. He was crazy and had some very warped views on things. As we talked I thought of the scripture in Jacob where he tells how the Jews looked beyond the mark and failed."
Ha Ha.....this one makes me laugh!! I wonder what his crazy and warped views were? Probably the truth about the Mormon Church and their history, right? Now, to this missionary, it sounded "crazy and warped", due to his level of indoctrination that he has received his whole life and especially during his mission. Basically, this guy WAS a member, probably discovered the truth on the Internet or had some bad experience that led him to search and he stopped going to Church. I was also once like this Elder, I refused to even look at or consider anything that challenged my faith or questioned my lifelong beliefs. Now, as I look back, I realize that all of these things that I heard from others, were actually right on the money. I couldn't even conceive or fathom for a second that that stuff could even have a shred of veracity. Amazing how our views, experience and intelligence change through the years.
Sunday we had a meeting at 7:30am with Pres. XXXX and the Stake leaders in The XXXX Stake. It went well. We then had our church meetings until 4:00 pm and then went strait to mission prep where we were ask to role play teaching a 3rd lesson. Then went to dinner then back to our apartment to get ready to go on team ups with the XXXXX Elders in Down town XX.
Sounds like a very busy day, Church, Church, Church, etc. Gives me a headache to even remember these type of days, before, during and after my mission.
Mon we had a good day in the very poor part of XX. It is hard to see the contrast there is between our areas. We have to change our style of teaching completely. In our area we have to be very forward and bold to get people from just slamming the door. It was a good experience. The Elder that I went with is from New York the Bronx. He is a huge black guy. He is so awesome. While we were there he wouldn’t buy anything to eat as we went out for lunch. Earlier he made the comment that he sends his money home to his mom. I learned a lot about that act of selflessness. So what we did was talk Pres. XXXX and the next day they took them a bunch of food.
Notice that he specifically mentions that the they had a "good day in the very poor part of town?" Notice that People in their area, which I presume is a rich area or at least middle class, want to just "slam the door in their faces?" Now, this poor Elder that is starving himself to send money home to his mom, is a travesty!! I'm glad that they actually did something for him but they really need to do something for his mom. Maybe she's not a member, so they won't help her, I don't have a clue. All I can say is that this guy shouldn't have to starve and send excess money to his mom. I'm assuming that the Mormon Church must be paying for his mission. I don't even want to consider the fact that his mom is paying for his mission and in turn, starving and then he's sending money back to her. What a tragedy. The Mormon Church should just be paying for the whole mission anyway of every missionary. It's not like they can't afford it, right?
Now, the following paragraph below is a real mind blower!!
Monday night was little strange. We ended our teamup a little early so we could stop of and see this guy that was in a mental correction facility that the sister had been teaching. The reason why they wanted us to go by is that they thought that he was possessed and thought that a blessing could help. So we went by and were not able to give a blessing because we were in a public place but we talked with him and taught him some things. Elder XXXX was telling him about church and how it is the same everywhere. He got this crazed look on his face and started backing away slowly. Looking at me then my comp and back and forth. He started saying, no no, and then turned to me and asked me if I was righteous. As he started to back away I felt the spirit overcome me and then began to fear. It was crazy but when he asked me that question I started to bear my testimony of Christ and how much I loved him. The man calmed down and we shortly ended the conversation and left.
So, let me get this straight? The Sister missionaries are teaching a guy that is in a mental hospital? Are things getting that desperate out there? Again, this is just another example of who is listening to the Mormon Missionaries and the future of Mormonism. It's crazy that the Sisters think the guy is possessed, so they want the Elders to give him a Priesthood blessing or in reality, "cast out his demons." If the Mormon missionaries approached me now and tried to suck me back into their cult, I would also probably get a crazed look on my face too, then back away slowly while shouting NO, NO. Do you blame the guy?
I'm sure meeting with the missionaries is just making him crazier. Maybe he was fine until he started the Mormon Missionary discussions? Well, the bottom line is that they shouldn't be trying to baptize some dude in a mental hospital. Also, it appears that it was a testimony builder when the Elder bore his testimony of Christ and the guy calmed down. You see, the Mormon Church must be true if that happened, right?
I really think that he was possessed so we called Pres XXXX and asked what we should do. He said to have the bishop go by with some Elders and feel it out. Crazy story.
Yeah, that is a crazy story, how about INSANE? Give me a break!! So, of course, the all powerful, man called directly from God, Mission President, doesn't want anything to do with this situation, so he just tells them to have the Bishop go by with some Elders and FEEL IT OUT? Well, good luck guys on this one!! I'm sure that Bishop and Elders will be very grateful for this opportunity and hopefully they can cast the devil out of this guy so that he can get baptized before the 1st, right. I wonder what his attendance situation will be like? I wonder if they will let him out of the mental institution on Sundays to go to Church? Will they take him the Sacrament at the mental hospital? It doesn't matter, as long as he just pays his tithing, God will bless him for sure!! I'd like to know how the Sisters even found some guy in a "mental correctional facility" to begin with?
Anyway, that's all I have for now!! Hopefully you guys will enjoy this post and my future posts with current Mormon missionary statements straight from the field. This post brings me current with all 3 missionaries, but I will back track and post some of the things that I have posted over on the RFM board a while back from these same missionaries. I archived everything, so I will pull those out of the archive and share them with you as well. These things were pretty mild compared to other things that I've shared.
Actually, if you just want to go to RFM to read some of them, they have them archived under missionary abuse. The page starts with my post regarding "Elder M. Russell Ballard's "new" promise to missionaries!!" You can read everyone else's comments and mine as I wrote several posts within that thread. The entire thread is awesome and includes some great info from "danboyle" and one of my favorites as you all know, "Polygamy Porter", who drops a couple F-bombs while describing the events that led to his exit. LOL!! I think sometimes it is hard not to drop F-bombs when describing the exit from the Mormon cult. Anyway, happy reading and it's time for me to wrap this one up. Take care everyone!! I'll be back later!!
Samuel the Utahnite
Labels: Mormon, Mormon LDS Mormonism cult brainwashing indoctrination fraud lies liars criminals joseph smith pedophile child rape adultery Thomas Monson Henry Eyring crooks vile assholes TBM apologists prophet evil
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